Recent Department Publications & Projects

Our faculty are highly skilled professionals in counseling, counseling psychology, and social psychology, all dedicated to helping people improve their quality of life, which includes conducting and engaging students in research and presenting at conferences.

Recent Publications

  • Hernández Finch, M. E., Trammell, B., Hulse, A. R., Finch, W. H., Wildrick, A., Floyd, E. F., Pittenger, J., & McIntosh, D. E. (2023). Relationship of executive functioning and memory to autism symptomology and adaptive functioning: Implications for reducing future underemployment. Psychology in the Schools, 60(2), 282-294.

  •  Zhou, X., Yeung, D., Gerstein, L. H., Zhang, Y. (2023). What You Want to Feel Determines How You Feel: The Role of Ideal Affect in Emotion Regulation. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 18(4), 505-516.

  • Allan, R., Edwards, C., Lee, N. (2023). Cultural adaptations of emotionally focused couple therapy. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 22, 43-64.

  • Tatum, A., Lent, R. W. (2024). Identity Management Processes, Contextual Supports and Barriers, and Substance Use among Sexual Minority Workers: A Social Cognitive Lens. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 71(1), 22-33.


We are committed to delivering an exceptional educational experience to our students and advancing our respective disciplines through research and scholarship.

Recent Publications

  • Aborode, A. T., Favour Obianuju, A., Onyeaka, H., Fasawe, A. S., Adegoye, G. A., Oko, C., & Uro-Chukwu, H. C. (2023). Editorial: Obesity and nutrition in the most remote parts of Africa. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1197367.

  •  Allen, K. S., Valvi, N., Gibson, P. J., McFarlane, T., & Dixon, B. E. (2024). Electronic health records for population health management: Comparison of electronic health record-derived hypertension prevalence measures against established survey data. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 16, e48300.

  •  Angley, M., Zhang, Y., Lu, L., Bejerano, S., Unverzagt, F., Brockman, J., Mcclure, L. A., Judd, S., Cushman, M., & Kahe, K. (2024). Serum zinc concentration and dietary zinc intake in relation to cognitive function: An analysis of the reasons for geographic and racial differences in stroke (REGARDS) cohort. European Journal of Nutrition,

  •  Apalowo, O. E., Adegoye, G. A., Mbogori, T., Kandiah, J., & Obuotor, T. M. (2024). Nutritional characteristics, health impact, and applications of kefir. Foods, 13(7), 1026.

  •  Apalowo, O. E., Adegoye, G. A., & Obuotor, T. M. (2024). Microbial-based bioactive compounds to alleviate inflammation in obesity. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 46(3), 1810-1831.

  • Barenie, M. J., Escalera, A., Carter, S. J., Grange, H. E., Paris, H. L., Krinsky, D., Sogard, A. S., Schlader, Z., Fly, A. D., & Mickleborough, T. D. (2024). Grass-fed and non-grass-fed whey protein consumption do not attenuate exercise-induced muscle damage and soreness in resistance-trained individuals: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 21(3), 344.

  •  Dixon, B. E., Price, J., Valvi, N. R., Allen, K. S., Heumann, C. L., Titus, M. K., Duszynski, T. J., Wiensch, A., & Tao, G. (2024). Treatment rates for chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae in a metropolitan area: Observational cohort analysis. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 51(5), 313.

  • Hart, S. M., Keirns, B. H., Sciarrillo, C. M., Malin, S. K., Kurti, S. P., & Emerson, S. R. (2024). Cardiorespiratory fitness and submaximal exercise dynamics in normal-weight obesity and metabolically healthy obesity. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 124(4), 1131-1142.

  • Keirns, B. H., Keirns, N. G., Tsotsoros, C. E., Layman, H. M., Stout, M. E., Medlin, A. R., Sciarrillo, C. M., Teague, T. K., Emerson, S. R., & Hawkins, M. A. W. (2023). Adverse childhood experiences and obesity linked to indicators of gut permeability and inflammation in adult women. Physiology & Behavior, 271, 114319.

  • Keirns, B. H., Sciarrillo, C. M., Medlin, A. R., Hart, S. M., Cronic, E. M., & Emerson, S. R. (2023). Whole-body bone mineral density and markers of bone homeostasis in adults with normal-weight obesity. Obesity pillars, 7, 100073.

  • Keirns, B. H., Sciarrillo, C. M., Poindexter, K. L., Dixon, M. D., Medlin, A. R., Koemel, N. A., Hart, S. M., Geist, C. H., Jenkins, N. D. M., Lucas, E. A., & Emerson, S. R. (2024). Postprandial triglycerides across the aging spectrum: A secondary analysis utilizing an abbreviated fat tolerance test. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, 34(1), 121-125.

  •  Lee, G., Zhang, Y., Yang, Q., Angley, M., Lu, L., & Kahe, K. (2024). The association between lead exposure and dental caries: A systematic review. Caries Research, 1–12.

  •  Levy, M. E., Yang, D., Dunne, M. M., Miley, K., Irving, S. A., Grannis, S. J., Weber, Z. A., Griggs, E. P., Spark, T. L., Bassett, E., Embi, P. J., Gaglani, M., Natarajan, K., Valvi, N. R., Ong, T. C., Naleway, A. L., Stenehjem, E., Klein, N. P., Link-Gelles, R., . . . Ball, S. W. (2024). Risk of COVID-19 hospitalization                   and protection associated with mRNA vaccination among US adults with psychiatric disorders. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 18(3), e13269.

  •  Li, R., Li, M., Bidulescu, A., Fly, A. D., & Luo, J. (2023). Diets with higher anti-inflammatory potential associated with lower risk of development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and early-stage of fibrosis among US adults. Digestive Diseases and Sciences,

  •  Li, R., Li, M., Fly, A. D., Bidulescu, A., & Luo, J. (2024). Vegetarian diets and risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: An observational study of national health and nutrition examination survey 2005-2018 using propensity score methods. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • Lu, L., Li, Y., Chen, C., Zhang, Y., Guo, W., Zhang, S., & Kahe, K. (2023). Associations of cadmium exposure with risk of metabolic syndrome and its individual components: A meta-analysis. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 33(6), 846-854.

  • Minnick, D., Place, J. M. S., Moore, M., Trainor, K. E., Thaller, J., Powers, E., & Hobson, K. (2023). Utilizing experiential learning to deliver substance misuse prevention education and impact local communities. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.

  •  Okolo, A. I. I., Jacob, S. A. A., Dixon, B. E. E., Valvi, N. R., Janson, I. A. A., & Hardesty, B. R. R. (2024). Increasing visibility of sickle cell disease in Indiana: Establishing baseline prevalence using integrated data from multiple sources. Public Health Reports (1974), 139(2), 201-207.

  • Place, J. M., Van De Griend, K., Zhang, M., Schreiner, M., Munroe, T., Crockett, A., Ji, W., & Hanlon, A. L. (2023). National Assessment of Obstetrics and Gynecology and family medicine residents’ experiences with centering pregnancy group Prenatal Care. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1).

  • Stout, M. E. E., Keirns, B. H., & Hawkins, M. A. W. (2023). Hypocortisolemic reactivity to acute social stress among lonely young women. Social Neuroscience, 18(3), 171-182.

  •  Stout, M. E., Keirns, B. H., Medlin, A. R., Patel, D. J., Byrd-Craven, J., & Hawkins, M. A. W. (2024). Decreased salivary alpha-amylase reactivity for excluded young women after a speech task. Physiology & Behavior, 277, 114501.

  • Valvi, N., McFarlane, T., Allen, K. S., Gibson, P. J., & Dixon, B. E. (2023). Identification of hypertension in electronic health records through computable phenotype development and validation for use in public health surveillance: Retrospective study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, e46413.

  •  Rodriguez, C., Stratton, M. T., Harty, P. S., Siedler, M. R., Boykin, J. R., Green, J. J., Keith, D. S., White, S. J., DeHaven, B., Brojanac, A., Tinoco, E., Taylor, L. W., & Tinsley, G. M. (2023). Effects of a ready-to-drink thermogenic beverage on resting energy expenditure, hemodynamic function, and subjective outcomes. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 20(1), 2211958-2211958.

  • Stratton, M. T., Siedler, M. R., Rodriguez, C., Harty, P. S., Boykin, J. R., Keith, D. S., Green, J. J., White, S. J., Tinoco, E., DeHaven, B., VanDusseldorp, T. A., & Tinsley, G. M. (2023). No Effect of Breakfast Consumption Observed for Afternoon Resistance Training Performance in Habitual Breakfast Consumers and Nonconsumers: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, S2212-2672(23)01561-7. Advance online publication.

  •  Zhang, Y., Yan, Q., Angley, M., Lu, L., Miller, E. C., Judd, S. E., Field, R. W., & Kahe, K. (2023). Smoking modifies the association between Radon Exposure and incident ischemic stroke: The REGARDS study. Stroke, 54(11), 2737–2744.\

  • Adams, K., Riddles, J. J., Rowley, E. A. K., Grannis, S. J., Gaglani, M., Fireman, B., Hartmann, E., Naleway, A. L., Stenehjem, E., Hughes, A., Dalton, A. F., Natarajan, K., Dascomb, K., Raiyani, C., Irving, S. A., Sloan-Aagard, C., Kharbanda, A. B., DeSilva, M. B., Dixon, B. E., . . . Tenforde, M. W. (2023). Number needed to vaccinate with a COVID-19 booster to prevent a COVID-19-associated hospitalization during SARS-CoV-2 omicron BA.1 variant predominance, december 2021-february 2022, VISION network: A retrospective cohort study. Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 23, 100530.

  • Bozio, C. H., Butterfield, K. A., Hagen, M. B., Grannis, S., Drawz, P., Hartmann, E., Ong, T. C., Fireman, B., Natarajan, K., Dascomb, K., Gaglani, M., DeSilva, M. B., Yang, D., Midgley, C. M., Dixon, B. E., Naleway, A. L., Grisel, N., Liao, I. C., Reese, S. E., . . . Stenehjem, E. (2023). Protection from COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and prior SARS-CoV-2 infection against COVID-19-associated encounters in adults during delta and omicron predominance. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 227(12), 1348-1363.

  • Dalton, A. F., Weber, Z. A., Allen, K. S., Stenehjem, E., Irving, S. A., Spark, T. L., Adams, K., Zerbo, O., Lazariu, V., Dixon, B. E., Dascomb, K., Hartmann, E., Kharbanda, A. B., Ong, T. C., DeSilva, M. B., Beaton, M., Gaglani, M., Patel, P., Naleway, A. L., . . . Tenforde, M. W. (2023). Relationships between social vulnerability and coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination coverage and vaccine effectiveness. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76(9), 1615-1625. 

  • Embi, P. J., Levy, M. E., Patel, P., Desilva, M. B., Gaglani, M., Dascomb, K., Dunne, M. M., Klein, N. P., Ong, T. C., Grannis, S. J., Natarajan, K., Yang, D., Stenehjem, E., Zerbo, O., Mcevoy, C., Rao, S., Thompson, M. G., Konatham, D., Irving, S. A., . . . Naleway, A. L. (2023). Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines at preventing emergency department or urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among immunocompromised adults: An observational study of real-world data across 10 US states from August-December 2021. Vaccine, 41(37), 5424-5434.

  • Griggs, E. P., Mitchell, P. K., Lazariu, V., Gaglani, M., Mcevoy, C., Klein, N. P., Valvi, N. R., Irving, S. A., Kojima, N., Stenehjem, E., Crane, B., Rao, S., Grannis, S. J., Embi, P. J., Kharbanda, A. B., Ong, T. C., Natarajan, K., Dascomb, K., Naleway, A. L., . . . Tenforde, M. W. (2024). Clinical epidemiology and risk factors for critical outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated adults hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019-VISION network, 10 states, June 2021-March 2023. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 78(2), 338-348.

  • Hirsch, A. G., Conderino, S., Crume, T. L., Liese, A. D., Bellatorre, A., Bendik, S., Divers, J., Anthopolos, R., Dixon, B. E., Guo, Y., Imperatore, G., Lee, D. C., Reynolds, K., Rosenman, M., Shao, H., Utidjian, L., Thorpe, L. E., DiCAYA Study Grp, & DiCAYA Study Group. (2024). Using electronic health records to enhance surveillance of diabetes in children, adolescents and young adults: A study protocol for the DiCAYA network. BMJ Open, 14(1).

  • Klein, N. P., Demarco, M., Fleming-Dutra, K. E., Stockwell, M. S., Kharbanda, A. B., Gaglani, M., Rao, S., Lewis, N., Irving, S. A., Hartmann, E., Natarajan, K., Dalton, A. F., Zerbo, O., DeSilva, M. B., Konatham, D., Stenehjem, E., Rowley, E. A. K., Ong, T. C., Grannis, S. J., . . . Link-Gelles, R. (2023). Effectiveness of BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents. Pediatrics (Evanston), 151(5).

  •  Link-Gelles, R., Weber, Z. A., Reese, S. E., Payne, A. B., Gaglani, M., Adams, K., Kharbanda, A. B., Natarajan, K., DeSilva, M. B., Dascomb, K., Irving, S. A., Klein, N. P., Grannis, S. J., Ong, T. C., Embi, P. J., Dunne, M. M., Dickerson, M., McEvoy, C., Arndorfer, J., . . . Tenforde, M. W. (2023). Estimates of bivalent mRNA vaccine durability in preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization and critical illness among adults with and without immunocompromising conditions-VISION network, September 2022-april 2023. American Journal of Transplantation, 23(7), 1062-1076.

  • Yao, L., Chemaitelly, H., Goldman, E., Gudina, E. K., Khalil, A., Ahmed, R., James, A. B., Roca, A., Fallah, M. P., Macnab, A., Cho, W. C., Eikelboom, J., Qamar, F. N., Kremsner, P., Oliu-Barton, M., Sisa, I., Tadesse, B. T., Marks, F., Wang, L., . . . Gu, W. (2023). Time to establish an international vaccine candidate pool for potential highly infectious respiratory disease: A community's view. Eclinicalmedicine, 64, 102222.

  • Yao, L., Wang, G., Aleya, L., Maida, M., Graff, J. C., Sun, D., & Gu, W. (2023) Was the rate of long COVID as high as 45%-a scary report with flaw. Eclinicalmedicine, 59, 101943. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.101949

Through our laboratories and other facilities, we have spent decades producing research on a national scale, working with world-renowned athletes and organizations as prominent as NASA.

Recent Publications

  • Andersen, L., Lebeau, J., & Nagelkirk, P. R. (2023). Challenge your body, challenge your mind: The combined effect of fitness level and stress appraisal on stress responses and subsequent cognitive performance. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,

  • Blake, A. S., Lebeau, J., Blom, L. C., Burkhart, L., & Myers, K. (2023). Social comparison in healthy adult peloton bikers: How visual display of exercise data affects performance. Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research, 3(1), 20-30.

  •  Carlini, N. A., Cloud, R. M. T., Harber, M. P., & Fleenor, B. S. (2024). Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with estimates of myocardial perfusion: Influence of age and sex. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 326(1), H103-H109.

  •  Cavallario, J. M., Van Lunen, B., Walker, S. E., Welch Bacon, C. E., Bay, C. R. (2023). The influence of gender in preceptor-student dyads on student performance in clinical education: A report from the AATE network. Journal of Allied Health, 52(2), 113-119.

  • Downs, B., Seifried, C. (2023). Modernization and the Contemporary Sport Stadium. Journal of Applied Sport Management.

  • Downs, B., Seifried, C. (2023). The 'Me' Arena: Examples of Capitalism within the National Hockey League and National Basketball Association, 1950-1989. International Journal of Business in Sports, Tourism & Hospitality Management, 4(2), 1-34.

  • Eberman, L. E., Armstrong, T. A., Neil, E. R., Kirby, J. L., Vanderhoof, K. M., Walker, S. E. (2023). Interprofessional team collaboration for routine and emergent mental health concerns among collegiate student-athletes: A case series from the Association for Athletic Training Education Research Network. Journal of Athletic Training, 58(9), 747-750.

  •  Edwards, N. A., Dickin, D. C., Walker, S. E., Wells, M. D., Wang, H. (2023). Swing kinematics, pelvis and trunk sequencing, and lower extremity strength in golfers with and without a history of low back pain. Annals of Sports Medicine and Research, 10(4), 1214. https://doi.org10.47739/2379-0571/1214

  •  Feller, R., Turick, R., Walker, K., Downs, B. (2023). Now What? An Assessment of Perceived Legacies post-Olympic Cycle. International Journal of Event and Festival Management.

  •  Gershgoren, L., Lebeau, J.-C., Liu, S., Tenenbaum, G. (2023). Editorial: Emotions and sport performance. Frontiers in Psychology.

  •  Araújo, C. G., Ramos, P. S., Laukkanen, J. A., Myers, J., Kunutsor, S. K., Harber, M. P., Eijsvogels, T. M., Marinho, B. D., & Silva, C. G. (2023). High cardiorespiratory optimal point values are related to cardiovascular mortality in men aged 46 to 70 years: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences, 36.

  • Hankemeier, D. A., Manspeaker, S. A., Feld, S. D., Kirby, J. (2023). Clinical Practice Patterns of Interprofessional Collaboration: Considerations for Athletic Training Education. Athletic Training Education Journal, 18(3), 134-142.

  • Hankemeier, D. A., Williams, R., Wilkins, N. A., Manspeaker, S. A., Clements, C., Walker, S. E., Young, J., Eberman, L. E. (2024). Interprofessional collaborative practice in professional and residency athletic training programs: A report from the association of athletic training education research network. Athletic Training Education Journal, 19(2), 84-94.

  •  Hansell, A., Voelker, D., Blom, L. C. (in press). Short-Term International Sport for Development and Peace Programs: A Retrospective Analysis and Critique Informed by Stakeholders’ Perspectives in a Two-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Sport for Development.

  • Harber, M. P. (2023). Missing the Target: How Often Is Exercise Intensity Appropriately Prescribed In Cardiac Rehabilitation? Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 43(6), 398-399.

  • Harber, M. P., Myers, J., Bonikowske, A. R., Muntaner-Mas, A., Molina-Garcia, P., Arena, R., & Ortega, F. B. (2024). Assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in clinical and community settings: Lessons and advancements in the 100th year anniversary of VO 2max. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 83, 36.

  •  Hughes, R. P., Carlini, N. A., Fleenor, B. S., & Harber, M. P. (2023). Mitochondrial targeted antioxidant ingestion acutely blunts VO(2max) in physically inactive females. Physiological Reports, 11(23).

  • Hussey, K., Blom, L. C., Huysmans, Z. (2023). Trauma-Informed Youth Sport: Identifying Program Characteristics and Challenges to Advance Practice. Journal of Youth Development. 19. Johnson, J. E., Elam, N., Matz, D. (in press). Coaching transition and nature of change: An examination of NCAA D1 team sports. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport.

  • Johnson, J. E., Matz, D., Eicher, A., Jones, J. (2023). Is winning the only thing that matters? An analysis of team sport head coach tenure in the NCAA power five and group of five conferences. Journal           of Sport Behavior, 46(2), 55-74.

  • Jones, B. C., Cavall.ario, J. M., Van Lunen, B., Walker, S. E., Bay, C. R., Welch Bacon, C. E. (2023). Athletic training student core competency professional behavior implementation between immersive and non-immersive clinical experiences: A report from the AATE research network. Athletic Training Education Journal, 18(3), 114-121.

  • Judge, L. W. (2023). Dr. David Pearson: A Legacy of Leadership, Education, and Inspiring Excellence in Strength and Conditioning. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(11), 2119-2121.

  • Judge, L. W. (2023). Navigating concussions: Empowering strength and conditioning professionals for optimal recovery and performance. The Physical Educator, 80(6).

  • Judge, L. W., & Smith, A. (2023). Unveiling ineffectiveness: Exploring indicators of failed Coaching Education Systems. Sports Innovation Journal, 4, 117–131.

  • Judge, L. W., Cinnamo, J., Craig, B. W. (2023). Designing a Resistance Training Program for Paralympic Throwers. NSCA Coach, 10(4).

  • Judge, L. W., Kim, H. J., Lee, D., & Razon, S. (2023). The relationship between the level of physical activity and body satisfaction in collegiate females: Physical activity and body satisfaction. Journal of Health and Physical Literacy, 2(2), 48-69.

  • Judge, L. W., Kim, H. J., Lee, D., Razon, S. (2023). Exploring body satisfaction and physical activity levels among collegiate females: a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Health and Physical Literacy, 2(2), 48-69.

  • Powers, S. M., Judge, L. W., & Razon, S. (2023). Justification of a deficit mentality in a Division I Intercollegiate Athletic Department. The Physical Educator.

  • Judge, L. W. (2023). Dr. David Pearson: A legacy of leadership, education, and inspiring excellence in strength and conditioning. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(11), 2119–2121.

  • Judge, L.W, Cinnamo, J., & Craig, B.W. (2023). Designing a resistance training program for Paralympic throwers. NSCA Coach, 10(4). 

  • Kambric, T., Harber, M. P. (in press). Resistance training in cardiac rehabilitation: past, present and future. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.

  •  Kostrna, J., Lebeau, J.-C., Sáenz-Moncaleano, C., & Foster, B. (2023). A proposed three-stage postperformance-routine framework. The Sport Psychologist, 37(4), 244–252.

  •  Kroot, A. S., Blom, L. C., Patel, K., Davis, C., Moore, M. A., & Mulvihill, T. M. (2023). Basketball experience: Exploring Nigerian basketball coaches’ perspectives of grassroots sport-for-development programming as a tool to enhance  well-being. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 19(2), 551–561.

  • Lebeau, J.-C., Myers, K., Kappelmann, K., Vann, S., Gabler, T., Wright, A., & Gretton, T. (2024). An investigation into the effects of acute exercise on activities of daily living and cognition in older adults. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 8(1–2), 65–75.

  •  Manspeaker, S. A., Young, J. P., Wilkins, N. A., Clements, C., Hankemeier, D. A., Williams, R. M., Walker, S. E., & Eberman, L. E. (2024). Preparing the athletic trainer for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: A report from the Association for Athletic Training Education-Research Network. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 29(3), 115–118.

  •  Lynch, C. E., Brandt, A. R., Vincenty, C. S., Robbins, E., Skiles, C., Minchev, K., Chambers, T. L., Belangee, A., Trappe, T. A., & Trappe, S. W. (2024). Adipose biopsy techniques for studies in human exercise physiology. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 326(3).

  •  Miller, J., Pierce, D., Johnson, J., & Stokowski, S. (2023). Undergraduate Sport Management Curricula in the United States: A content analysis. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 33, 100457.

  •  MoTrPAC Study Group, Trappe, T. A. (in press). Multiomic identification of key transcriptional regulatory programs during endurance exercise training. Nature Communications.

  •  MoTrPAC Study Group, Trappe, T. A. (in press). Relationship of epigenetics to gene expression across tissues provides insight into the diverse effects of endurance exercise training. Genome Research.

  •  MoTrPAC Study Group, Trappe, T. A. (in press). Temporal dynamics of the multi-omic response to endurance exercise training across tissue. Nature.

  •  MoTrPAC Study Group, Trappe, T. A. (in press). The mitochondrial multi-omic response to exercise training across tissues reveals time- and sex-specific adaptation. Cell Metabolism. 

  • Naruse, M., Vincenty, C. S., Konopka, A. R., Trappe, S. W., Harber, M. P., & Trappe, T. A. (2023). Cycle exercise training and muscle mass: A preliminary investigation of 17 lower limb muscles in older men. Physiological Reports, 11(16).

  •  Perkins, R. K., Lavin, K. M., Raue, U., Jemiolo, B., Trappe, S. W., & Trappe, T. A. (2024). Effects of aging and lifelong aerobic exercise on expression of innate immune components in skeletal muscle of women. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 136(3), 482-491.

  • Petersen, J. & Judge, L. W. (2023). Sport facilities planning, design, operation, and management trends: An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 15(4).

  • Petersen, J., & Judge, L. W. (2023). A new secret of the Youth Olympic Games: A model for Olympic facilities reform. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 15(4).

  • Powers, S. M., Jones, C., Lebeau, J.-C. (2023). Developing the civically-engaged student through interprofessional education and community-placed service learning: Three years at Cardinal Wellness. The Physical Educator, 80(5), 521-541.

  • Powers, S. M., Judge, L. W., & Razon, S. (2023). Justification of a deficit mentality in a division I intercollegiate athletic department. Physical Educator, 80(3), 344-380.

  • Seifried, C., Downs, B., Walker, K. (in press). The Importance of College Football and Competition Grounds in Institutional Ascension: The History of Muncie's Institutions of Higher Education. Middle West Review.

  •  Seifried, C., Soles, M., Downs, B., Bolton, C. (2023). The Build-Up to Death Valley: Clemson Football Facilities before Memorial Stadium. South Carolina Historical Magazine, 120(4), 234-259.

  • Peterman, J. E., Novelli, D. S., Fleenor, B. S., Whaley, M. H., Kaminsky, L. A., & Harber, M. P. (2022). Oxygen uptake efficiency slope as a predictor of mortality risk. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 43(4), 282–289.

  • Strout, N. R., Pike Lacy, A. M., Cavallario, J. M., Walker, S. E., Welch Bacon, C. E. (2023). Athletic Trainers' Experiences Developing and Maintaining Contemporary Expertise. Athletic Training Education Journal, 18(4), 297–309.

  • Tagesen, E. C., Judge, L. W., & Bellar, D. M. (2023). A comparison of continuous and interval exercise on cognition in young adults. International Journal of Exercise Science, 16(5), 458.Fountain, W. A., Naruse, M., Claiborne, A., Trappe, S., & Trappe, T. A. (2023). Controlling inflammation improves aging skeletal muscle health. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 51(2), 51-56.

  •  Fountain, W. A., Naruse, M., Finch, W. H., Claiborne, A., Trappe, S. W., & Trappe, T. A. (2023). Influence of aspirin on aging skeletal muscle: Insights from a cross‐sectional cohort of septuagenarians. Physiological Reports, 11(8), e15669-n/a.

  •  Naruse, M., Fountain, W., Claiborne, A., Finch, W. H., Trappe, S., & Trappe, T. (2022). muscle group specific skeletal muscle aging: A five year longitudinal study in septuagenarians. Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement_1), 800-800.

  •  Naruse, M., Trappe, S., & Trappe, T. A. (2023). Human skeletal muscle-specific atrophy with aging: A comprehensive review. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 134(4), 900-914.

  •  Chambers, T. L., Burnett, T. R., Raue, U., Lee, G. A., Finch, W. H., Graham, B. M., Trappe, T. A., & Trappe, S. (2020). Skeletal muscle size, function, and adiposity with lifelong aerobic exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 128(2), 368-378.

  •  Lavin, K. M., Perkins, R. K., Jemiolo, B., Raue, U., Trappe, S. W., & Trappe, T. A. (2020). Effects of aging and lifelong aerobic exercise on basal and exercise-induced inflammation in women. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 129(6), 1493-1504.

  • Trappe, T. A., Tesch, P., Alkner, B., & Trappe, S. (2023). Microgravity-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in women and men: Implications for long-duration spaceflights to the moon and Mars. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 135(5), 1115-1119.

  • Trumbetti, A., Razon, S., Judge, L. W., Huffman, O., & Ramick, M. G. (2023). Attitudes surrounding group cycling versus individual cycling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical Educator, 80(5), 527-539.

  • Voss, A. C., Chambers, T. L., Gries, K. J., Jemiolo, B., Raue, C. U., Minchev, K., Begue, G., Lee, G. A., Trappe, T. A., & Trappe, S. W. (2024). Exercise microdosing for skeletal muscle health applications to spaceflight. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), 136(5), 1040-1052.

  •  Walasavage, S., Judge, L. W., Fox, B., Vasiloff, O., Huffman, O., Schlosser, A. J., & Razon, S. (2023). Relationship between athletic identity and stress in division II college softball players: Athletic identity and stress. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 2(1), 1-12.

  •  Wu, X., Dickin, D. C., Bassette, L. A., Ashton, C., Wang, H. (2024). Clinical gait analysis in older children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Sports Medicine and Health Science, 6(2), 154-158.

The School of Nursing, is committed to enhancing quality of life through its mission and vision of creating a learning-centered community that furthers the knowledge and practice of nursing through teaching and research.

Recent Publications

  • Abebe, S., Goldsby, E., & Renbarger, K. (2023). Assessment of stuttering priapism in individuals with sickle cell disease. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 19(5).

  • Abebe, S., Siktberg, L., Mucherah, W.M., Oloo, E.O., Khasakhala, E.O., Muliira, J., Kandiah, J., Hall, G., Kroot, A. (2023). Evaluation of a pilot interprofessional train-the-trainer workshop to enhance sickle cell anemia community education in Kenya. East African Medical Journal 100 (8). ElSSN:0012-835X

  • Al-Hadrami, R., Al-Rawajfah, O. M., Muliira, J. K., Khalaf, A. (2023). Glycaemic control and its associated factors among adult Omanis with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional survey. Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism,

  • Jacob, D., Muliira, J. K., Lazarus, E. R., Roslin, H. (2023). Predictors of quality of life among Omani family      caregivers for traumatic brain injury patients. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 23(4),        310 - 318.

  • McIntosh, C. E., & Stone, G. E. (2022). Introduction to the special issue: How Covid‐19 has affected students’ health, achievement, and mental health. Psychology in the Schools, 60(5), 1325–1328.

  • Muliira, J. K., Kizza, I. B., Al Kindi, S. (2023). Determinants of Quality of Life among Omani Family Caregivers of Adult Patients with Cancer Pain. Palliative and Supportive Care.

  • Muliira, J. K., Lazarus, E. R., Mirafuentes, E. (2023). A countrywide assessment of Omani undergraduate nursing students’ palliative care knowledge and attitudes towards end-of-life care. Journal of Cancer Education, 38(3), 781-788.

  • Muliira, J. K., Lazarus, E. R., Mirafuentes, E. (2023). A multi-country comparative study on palliative care knowledge and attitudes towards end-of-life care among undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Cancer Education, 38(3), 837-844.

  • Muliira, J. K., Lazrus, E. R., Jacob, D., Roslin, H. (2023). The needs of families caring for patients with  traumatic brain injury: A Scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation.

  • Neck, B., Neck, C., Goldsby, E. A., Goldsby, M. G. (2023). Pushing Down on Me: The Paradoxical Role of Self-leadership in the context of Work Pressure. Administrative Sciences, 13(177), 21.

  • Renbarger, K. M., Abebe, S., Place, J. M., Goldsby, E., Hall, G., & Kroot, A. (2023). Perspectives of Infant Mortality from African American Community Members. Women's health reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.), 4(1), 423–430.

  • Renbarger, K. M., Abebe, S., Place, J. M., Goldsby, B., Hall, G., Kroot, A. (2023). Perspectives of Infant Mortality from African American Community Members. Women's Health Reports, 4.1, 423-430. 

  • Renbarger, K. M., Phelps, B., Broadstreet, A., Abebe, S. Y. (2023). Factors Associated with Maternal Engagement in Infant Care When Mothers Use Substances. Womens Health Reports

  • Renbarger, K. M., Slater, G., Phelps, B. (2024). Knowledge of Maternal Mortality Risk Among Women with Substance Use Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum. American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing.

  • Roslin, H., Muliira, J. K., Lazarus, E. R., Jacob, D., Al-Habsi, W., Al-Musallami, F. (2023). Caregiving preparedness and caregiving burden in Omani family caregivers for patients with acquired brain injury. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 23(4), 348-357.

  • Twibell, K. R., Delaney, L., Siela, D. L., Coers, G., Davis, C., Drown, C., Kring, K., Duncan, J. S., Jones, J. A. (2023). The Effect of a Tailored Video-based Intervention for Fall Prevention Among Medical-Surgical Patients: A Randomized Control Trial. MED SURG Nursing Journal, 32(3), 170-178.

The Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology is a vibrant department where students and faculty work together closely both within the classroom and in clinical settings to prepare students for careers as researchers, clinicians, managers in the healthcare field.

Recent Publications

  • Jain, N., Tai, Y., Wilson, C., Granato, E. C., Esquivel, C., Tsao, A., & Husain, F. T. (in press). Comprehensive characterization of hearing loss and tinnitus in military affiliated and non-military affiliated individuals. American Journal of Audiology.

  • McGrath, M. A., Fletcher, K. L., & Bielski, L. M. (2023). Executive functioning skills of children with listening difficulties. Psychology in the Schools, 60(9), 3520–3541.

  • Wagner, B.T (2024). Assessment of picture span and feature binding with visual graphic symbols: Implications for aided communication displays for children with complex communication needs. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(4), e47-e48.




Our faculty members work to improve the quality of life for others; to advocate for social, economic, and environmental justice for vulnerable populations through teaching and research.

Recent Publications

  • Caravaglia, G., Reynolds, J., & Moore, M. (2023). The impact of post-collegiate playing opportunities on DI field hockey players and their athlete identity. Sport Social Work Journal, 4(1), 65-80.

  • Curd, J. L. A., & Nguyen, T. S. T. (2023). “I was always on the outside, watching quietly”: Autistic women reflect on school experiences. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders.

  •  Elam, N., Reynolds, J., Moore, M., Hampton, M., & Weathersby, S. (2023). The management of spectators through the lens of high school administrators. Sport Social Work Journal. 5(1).     

  • Minnick, D., Place, J. M. S., Moore, M., Trainor, K. E., Thaller, J., Powers, E., & Hobson, K. (2023). Utilizing experiential learning to deliver substance misuse prevention education and impact local communities. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.

  • Moore, M., & Thaller, J. (2023). Career readiness: Preparing social work students for entry into the workforce. Frontiers in Education, 8.

  • Provence, M. A. (2023). Changing how libraries respond to patrons experiencing homelessness in crisis: How library social workers are perceived to reduce reliance on law enforcement. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 72(4), 376-399.

  • Provence, M. A. (2023). Three models of practice: Impacts on the de-escalation role of library social workers during crises with patrons experiencing homelessness. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 72(4), 400-419.

  • Rademacher, D. A. (2023). Are pictures worth a thousand words? Capturing social work student perspectives of volunteer experiences using photovoice. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research.

  • Rademacher, D. A. (2023). Volunteering makes a difference: Assessing the impact of volunteering on social work educational competencies. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.

  • Reynolds, J., & Moore, M. (2023). COVID-19 and the shifting role of parent as youth sport spectator. In Common Ground: Restart: Sport after the COVID-19 lockdown. (In Press)

  • Reynolds, J., Doll, C., & Porter, L. (2023). Integrating health consumerism and interprofessional education into a university’s core curriculum: Early lessons and implications for health professions advisors. The Advisor Online: A Journal of the National Association of Advisors of Health Professions. (In press)

  • Rutledge, S. E., Zhang, J., Icard, L. D., & Jemmott, J. B. (2024). Do syndemic conditions predict HIV medication adherence among urban African American men? AIDS Care, 36(6), 781–789.

    Treddinick, L., Newman, T., Bosetti, R., Hyzak, K., Reynolds, J., & Weaver, R. D. (2023). College student sport participation, conformity to masculine norms, and attitudes toward sexual behavior. Sport Social Work Journal, Ball State University, 3(1), 77-94.


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