Mohamed Metwally
Mohamed Metwally
Assistant Professor of Construction Management


Room:AT 166

Dr. Metwally's Profile

Dr. Metwally has a passion to engage in transformative research that not only advances the field of construction management and materials but also sustainable development to create tangible and holistic solutions for real world challenges and applications. Besides his academic record, he has been assigned as a business development consultant in different industrial sectors to conduct financial and technical feasibility studies for different projects. He is actively seeking industry-related research work to integrate construction management with sustainability pillars, specifically the environment, economic, and financial pillars.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Structural Mechanics 300 1 1000 - 1050 M W F AT, room 201
Structural Mechanics 300 2 1100 - 1150 M W F AT, room 181
Capstone in Construc 460 1 1530 - 1645 T R AT, room 183