2016 Publications
- Dong H, Yan Y, Liu J, Zhao X, Cheng H, Hou D, Huang G, Li S, Wang Y, Mi J. Alarming trends in ideal cardiovascular health among children and adolescents in Beijing, China, 2004 to 2014. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Dec 21. pii: S0167-5273(16)32443-3
- Wang Y, Hollis-Hansen K, Ren X, Qiu Y, Qu W. Do environmental pollutants increase obesity risk in humans? Obes Rev. 2016 Dec;17(12):1179-1197.
- Ross R, Blair SN, Arena R, Church TS, Després JP, Franklin BA, Haskell WL, Kaminsky LA, Levine BD, Lavie CJ, Myers J, Niebauer J, Sallis R, Sawada SS, Sui X, Wisløff U; American Heart Association Physical Activity Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health; Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Functional Genomics and Translational Biology; and Stroke Council. Importance of Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Clinical Practice: A Case for Fitness as a Clinical Vital Sign: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2016 Nov 21.
The underlying premise of this statement is that the addition of CRF for risk classification presents health professionals with unique opportunities to improve patient management and to encourage lifestyle based strategies designed to reduce cardiovascular risk. These opportunities must be realized to optimize the prevention and treatment of CVD and hence meet the American Heart Association’s 2020 goals.
- Wang Y, Wang L, Xue H, Qu W. A Review of the Growth of the Fast Food Industry in China and Its Potential Impact on Obesity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2016 Nov 9;13(11).
- Li J, Liu H, Beaty TH, Chen H, Caballero B, Wang Y. Heritability of Children's Dietary Intakes: A Population-Based Twin Study in China. Twin Res Hum Ganet. 2016 Oct; 19(5): 472-84.
- Lim, H, Kim, J, Wang, Y, Min, J, Carvajal, NA, Lloyd, CW. Child health promotion program in South Korea in collaboration with US National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Improvement in dietary and nutrition knowledge of young children. Nutr Res Pract. 2016 Oct; 10(5):555-562.
- Baynard, T., Arena, R., Myers, J. Kaminsky, L. The Role of Body Habitus in Predicting Cardiorespiratory Fitness: The FRIEND Registry. Intl. J. Sports Med. 2016 Oct;37(11):863-9.
- Nelson, M.B., Kaminsky, L.A., Dickin, D.C., Montoye, A.H. Validity of Consumer-Based Physical Activity Monitors for Specific Activity Types. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2016 Aug;48(8):1619-28.
- Kaminsky, L.A., Brubaker, P.H., Guazzi, M., Lavie, C.J., Montoye, A.H., Sanderson, B., Savage, P.D. Assessing Physical Activity as a Core Component in Cardiac Rehabilitation. A Position Statement of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehab Prev. 2016 Jul-Aug;36(4):217-29.
- Tuttle, M., Montoye, A.H., Kaminsky, L.A. The value of BMI and waist circumference. Health Fit J. 20:15-20, 2016.
- Li M, Xue H, Wen M, Wang W, Wang Y. Nutrition and physical activity related school environment/policy factors and child obesity in China: a nationally representative study of 8573 students in 110 middle schools. Pediatric Obesity. 2016 July.
- Liu S, Osgood N, Xue H, Wang Y. Systems Simulation Model for Assessing the Sustainability and Synergistic Impacts of Sugar-sweetened Beverages Tax and Revenue Recycling on Childhood Obesity Prevention, Journal of Operational Research Society, , Volume 67, Issue 5, pp 708–721.
- Chen HJ, Xue H, Kumanyika S, Wang Y. School Beverage Environment and Children’s Energy Expenditure Associated with Physical Education Class: An Agent-based Model Simulation. Pediatric Obesity, Apr 20, 2016.
- Donaldson, S.C., Tuttle, M.S., Montoye, A.H., Kaminsky, L.A. Variability of objectively measured sedentary behavior. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2016 Apr;48(4):755-61.
- Xue H, Wu Y, Wang X, Wang Y. Time Trends in Fast Food Consumption and Its Association with Obesity among Children in China. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 14;11(3):e0151141.
- Xie C, Wang Y, Li X, Wen X. Childhood Growth Trajectories of Etiological Subgroups of Large for Gestational Age Newborns. J Pediatr. 2016 Mar;170:60-66.e5.
- Xi B, Zhang T, Zhang M, Liu F, Zong X, Zhao M, Wang Y. Trends in Elevated Blood Pressure Among US Children and Adolescents: 1999-2012. Am J Hypertens. 2016 Feb;29(2):217-25.
- Zhang J, Xue H, Cheng X, Wang ZH, Zhai FY, Wang Y, Wang HJ. Influence of Proximities to Food Establishments on Body Mass Index among Children in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2016;25(1):134-41.
- Arena, R, Kaminsky, L.A., Myers, J. Revisiting age-predicted maximal heart rate: Can it be used as a valid measure of effort? Am Heart J. 2016 Mar;173:49-56.
- Cemal, O., Whaley, M.H., Finch, W.H., Kaminsky, L.A. High cardiorespiratory fitness levels slow the decline in maximal heart rate with age. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2016 Jan;48(1):73-81.
- Chen HJ, Wang Y. Changes in the Neighborhood Food Store Environment and Children’s Body Mass Index at Peripuberty in the United States. J Adolescent Health, 2016 Jan;58(1):111-8