Principal Investigators: S. Homes Hogue, Cailin Murray, and Christine Thompson

Project Summary

The Department of Anthropology, Ball State University (BSU) will execute a Consultation and Documentation Grant to determine the disposition of their current collections of culturally unidentified (CUI) human remains and associated funerary objects (AFOs).  Partners include three federally recognized tribes that may have geographic claims to the CUI human remains and AFOs in BSU’s collections and were not available to consult in our 2012 NAGPRA Consultation and Documentation Grant.  In conjunction with the 2012 NAGPRA grant, it is expected that up to 23 Notices of Inventory Completion will be submitted, representing virtually all the human remains collections currently in BSU’s possession.   The grant will fund pre-consultation planning and tribal consultation travel expenses for two tribes that have provided attached support letters.  Grant activities will also include the updating of a human remains and AFO database as necessary.  Additional rehabilitation and rehousing of human remains and AFOs will take place based on tribal input.  The NAGPRA Culturally Unidentifiable (CUI) and Culturally Affiliated (CA) Native American Inventories Databases will be updated with the results of this Consultation and Documentation Grant.