Depending on what you are studying here at Ball State, you may want to take a placement exam to help you determine what classes you need to take. You should have received a brochure about placement exams for world languages and mathematics prior to participating in Summer Orientation.  If you have already been through an orientation program and elected not to take a placement exam, the opportunity is available during the regular semesters. Most students at Ball State have the opportunity to take math and world language placement exams. For questions about placement, it is always best to contact your academic advisor.

World Language

Did you take language classes in high school?  Some students may receive AP, IB, or dual credit in a language and should not take the world language placement exam. For students without AP/dual/transfer credit, if you studied Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin, or Spanish in high school and want to continue taking classes in that language at Ball State, you should take the placement test prior to enrolling in a language course. You cannot enroll in a higher-level class than the test indicates. If you have studied more than two years of the language in high school, you cannot enroll in the 101 course without taking the placement exam or receiving permission from the Department of Modern Languages and Classics.

The best part about language placement is that once the indicated course is completed with a C or higher, you will receive credit for all lower-level courses. It is a great way to earn free credits based on the experiences and knowledge that you accumulated in high school!  Another incentive for taking world language courses is that they may apply to the University Core Curriculum (UCC).

Important information on the World Language Placement Exam

1. You can take each exam only one time.
2. Each exam is approximately 20-30 minutes long.
3. Your score will be kept on file for the duration of your time at Ball State.
4. Please take the exam only if you have had two or more years of study in the language in high school or you are a native or heritage speaker of the language.
5. Do not take the placement exam if you intend to transfer advanced standing credits.
6. To complete the World Language Placement Exam, go to And select “Canvas” in the middle of the page.
7. Click on Community: Modern Languages & Classics
8. Read instructions at top of the page.
9. Click on specific language exam.

For more information please contact:
Department of Modern Languages and Classics
Ball State University

All students are required to take a mathematics course in the University Core Curriculum (UCC).  Many students satisfy this with MATH 125, which does not require placement.  However, some majors require a different math sequence that must meet prerequisite criteria.  These criteria can include prior college-level math courses (AP, dual credit, IB, or transfer credits), SAT/ACT scores, or the ALEKS Placement Preparation and Learning (PPL) mathematics placement assessment score.  ALEKS PPL is a computer-based, adaptive placement system that covers material from basic mathematics through pre-calculus.  It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.

Incoming students whose majors require the ALEKS PPL should complete the assessment.  It provides the most accurate predictor of readiness to succeed in entry mathematics courses.  For more information on placement procedures and preparation for the exam, please visit

To access and complete the ALEKS-PPL Placement Assessment:

  • Go to
  • Login with your Ball State username and password.
  • Under “Additional Tools,” select “ALEKS-PPL.”
  • Select the ALEKS-PPL user agreement.
  • You will see an indication that you are enrolled in:
    • Class: 202x Orientation, All Year 202x
    • School: Ball State University
  • Select “Continue” to your ALEKS-PPL class, and you will be at the beginning of the assessment. A brief survey and tutorial on how to enter your responses will precede the actual assessment.

Your results are reported to you immediately after the exam so you know what classes will be available to you during registration at your Orientation session.  Your score will be available to your advisor in approximately one business day and is valid for one year.

For more information, please contact:
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ball State University