Academic Progress can refer to hours completed, but it also includes the important area of grades and grade point average (GPA). Grades determine the difference between being in good academic standing and not, being eligible for academic honors, meeting major and extracurricular activity requirements, and grades can affect future endeavors after graduation. As a general policy, the minimum GPA required to maintain good academic standing is a 2.000 overall GPA, but as students think more about grades, effort can be made to achieve the highest academic goals. It is always your responsibility, as the student, to track your own grades throughout the semester and "stay on target" for a successful academic year.
Grading Scale and GPA Calculation
Advising has provided a worksheet and GPA calculator to help you understand how an overall grade point average is calculated. Use the GPA calculation form (PDF) to see the grading scale and how numerical grade points are computed, and to estimate your GPA. Students will have both a semester GPA and an overall, or Accumulative GPA each term grades are reported. If you are concerned about your grades and/or GPA, see your Academic Advisor if you need help in finding available support services.
Accessing and Tracking Grades
Accessing Final Grades
You can view your final semester grades as well as your schedule, overall academic standing and other academic information by visiting MyBallState. You can also authorize parents or others to view your academic information. Learn more about how you can grant others proxy access to certain pieces of your information. Also make sure you review the FAQ's about proxy access.
A complete copy of your official Ball State academic transcript, can still be requested through MyBallState, or by visiting the Office of Registration and Academic Progress in LU B43.
Accessing Grades Throughout the Term
To find current grades in courses during the course of a semester requires the student's responsibility to know how the teacher will "post" or inform the class of grades. The instructor may use an internet tool to report grades (Web Gradebook and Canvas are examples), but many instructors do not, and students should not expect to be able to track all grades online. It's always a good idea to have a record for yourself if questions arise, and to take action if you have less than satisfactory grades. It's also expected that students will take note of how the teacher has set up the grading scale and how the student will be evaluated for the course grade. You will always be able to find pertinent information about grades and grading percentages on the syllabus for the course. Remember that your official final grades are those issued by the Registrar's Office at the end of the term.
Midterm Deficiency Reports
Although students are not informed at midterm of all grades, students receiving a grade below C at midpoint of a full term course are required to be notified by the instructor. This allows time for students to take action, discuss with advisors, and talk with teachers for grade improvement. The Registrar's Office will notify students by email to review their reported midterm performance at MyBallState. Select "Student Records" then "View Midterm Grades." Then remember to select the appropriate term/year from the pull down menu.