Ball State continues to lead in sustainability. Here are some examples of how our students and faculty are protecting our planet.
A Great (Lakes) Story
It may sound glamorous to spend your summer on a lake, but graduate students David Starzynski and Kip Rounds wouldn’t use that adjective to describe their two months on Lake Michigan. Grimy, grungy, and exhausting might be more accurate, but the biology students wouldn’t have traded the experience for anything. Rounds and Starzynski spent summer 2011 researching the yellow perch population in Lake Michigan, part of a decades-old Ball State collaboration with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Fighting Blight
Jonathan Spodek instructs the students joining him for his EcoRehab course to forgo laptops and backpacks and come prepared for class with protective glasses, steel-toed boots, and leather gloves.
Central Indiana Clean Cities Alliance Gives Ball State award
The Central Indiana Clean Cities Alliance (CICCA) presented Ball State with its Stakeholder Achievement Award for the university’s use of biodiesel and ethanol in campus shuttles, trucks, and cars.
A Passion for Plants
Cheryl LeBlanc’s fascination with plants was sparked when she was introduced to her first orchid as a 9-year-old living in Massachusetts. That first meeting ignited a love affair with one of the world's most beautiful plant species. LeBlanc admits she is very lucky to be working with Ball State's orchid collection, which is nestled in a greenhouse in Christy Woods. Surrounded by a lush green landscape and teeming with squirrels, rabbits, and the occasional deer, the collection has developed a reputation for being one of the nation's most diverse.