
The pet is any domesticated or tamed animal that would normally be expected to belong to someone whether or not there is any acknowledged ownership.

University Buildings

(Except Residence Halls and University Apartments) Written authorization is to be obtained from the appropriate department chairperson, Dean or administrative head involved before a pet may be brought into University buildings. Such authorization is to state the purpose and duration of the activity involving the pet. The authorization is to be in the possession of the owner or person in control of the pet during the time the pet is in a University building.

Residence Halls

Pets are not permitted in the residence halls except for marine life in fresh water aquariums. Contact Housing and Residence Life for specific information.

University Grounds

Pets are not permitted on University grounds unless they are appropriately leashed or caged and under the control of and accompanied by their owners or others designated by their owners as having responsibility for the control and care of the pet.

University Apartments

 Pets are not permitted in University Apartments with the exception of marine life in fresh water aquariums. Contact University Apartments for specific information.


Violations of the University Pet Policy will be dealt with in accordance with University rules governing the conduct of faculty, staff, and students. In addition, violations in the Residence Halls and University Apartments, will have action taken in accordance with "Conditions of Occupancy" for University Apartments, and "Policies of University Residence Halls" for the Residence Halls.


Provisions of this policy do not apply to service dogs or to police or K9 dogs while such animals are performing their duties under supervision.

Additional Laws

This Pet Policy is in addition to applicable ordinances of the City of Muncie and statutes of the state of Indiana. [For example, Muncie ordinance requires dogs not on the owner's property to be leashed and controlled by a competent person.]