The EHS Environmental Specialist is a member of the BSU Laboratory Safety and Security Committee and presently serves as the University Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) as required under OSHA regulations. The CHO is instrumental in implementing and maintaining the University Chemical Hygiene Plan as adopted by the Committee.
Other duties of the CHO include:
- Lab Safety Training
- Laboratory inspections
- Chemical safety
- Fume hood and biological safety cabinets
- Safety equipment
- Spill and exposure response
- Other safety features of laboratories for the protection of laboratory workers and students
- Chemical security
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) assessment
Safety Bulletins (peroxide formers, picric acid, etc.) on particular topics of concern are routinely prepared and distributed through the Committee and this website.
Laboratory Safety Policy
3D Printer Policy
BSU Chemical Hygiene Plan
BSU Laboratory Safety Training
BSU Laboratory Waste Management Plan
BSU Laboratory Waste Management Training
BSU Peroxide Former Handout 2023