On rare occasions, winter weather can lead to campus closure or a suspension of classes for all or part of the day.

The university will remain open, and classes will be held when it is feasible to do so. Historically, the campus has interrupted service when there is no electricity on all, or a significant portion, of campus or when snow is so heavy, fast, or unpredictable that parking lots and sidewalks cannot be sufficiently cleared to allow for parking of cars and walking across campus.

The most common questions the university receives about winter weather closures are in the context of K-12 school closures. Often the university remains open even when local school corporations are closed. This is because universities have important distinctions from local school systems. First, school systems serve very young populations, as young as 5-year-old kindergarteners. These students require special consideration in winter weather. Second, local schools depend on buses to transport children to school. The condition of bus stops and the feasibility of large buses to safely navigate secondary roads that are plowed last weigh heavily in school corporation decisions. Finally, most of Ball State’s student population lives within walking distance or a very short car drive to campus.


The university will communicate cancellation of classes or campus closure through the following channels:

  • emergency text messaging: Subscribe now.
  • Twitter @ballstate_alert
  • email to Ball State accounts (@bsu.edu)
  • Ball State's homepage (bsu.edu)
  • Local media: The Star Press (thestarpress.com), WBST-FM 92.1, WLBC-FM 104.1, and other radio stations.
  • Indianapolis TV stations.

Note: the amount of information publicized on radio and TV stations may be limited.

Prepare and Stay Safe

Snow and cold weather should be expected in Muncie, Indiana. Below are steps that students and employees can take to ensure they are prepared to travel to campus and stay safe in cold and snowy weather.

  • Continually monitor weather forecasts when temperatures fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If you are away from campus, monitor weather forecasts and consider returning before a forecasted storm.
  • Refer to preparedness websites such as ready.gov and take appropriate actions to keep yourself safe. This is especially important for off-campus students who may be living in a house for the first time.
  • To receive the most up-to-date information, subscribe to emergency text messaging, and follow @ballstate_alert on Twitter.
  • Come to campus prepared for cold weather with appropriate apparel and footwear.
  • Plan extra time to get to class and be aware of your surroundings while traversing campus.

For Faculty and Staff

Nonessential university operations are suspended when classes are suspended. Nonessential employees do not need to report to work during the time of the suspension. When such decisions are made, the university also announces which service staff shifts should report at, or near the end, of a suspension of classes.

Essential personnel must report, as scheduled by their supervisor, even when classes are suspended or the campus is closed. Read the related policy (PDF).