2024 Summer Commencement

Important Travel Information

Traffic Delays Possible

Portions of Tillotson Avenue may be reduced to one northbound and one southbound lane due to an Indiana Michigan Power project. We recommend using Bethel Avenue to access the parking lots surrounding Worthen Arena.

Summer Commencement will be held on Saturday, July 20, at 10:00 a.m. at Worthen Arena. In the Summer, there is only one ceremony with all graduates recognized together.

The ceremony will not be ticketed so graduates are welcome to invite as many guests as they would like. Worthen Arena will open at 9:00 a.m. The ceremony is estimated to last two hours. Students and guests are expected to adhere to the etiquette and protocols guidelines, including staying for the duration of the ceremony.

The ceremony will be livestreamed on this web page on the day of the event.

All graduates need to complete the following four steps below.

Step 1: Apply to Graduate

Complete the official graduation application by the appropriate deadline. The deadlines to apply for graduation were:

  • Wednesday, June 5 (graduate students)
  • Monday, July 15 (undergraduate students)

In order for a student's name to be included in the commencement program book, they must apply no later than Thursday, June 20. Any students who apply after this date will not have their name printed in the commencement program book.

If you are a graduate student who missed the application deadline, please contact the Graduate School at 765-285-1291. If you are an undergraduate student who missed the application deadline, please contact the Center for Student Success at 765-285-1161.

Apply to Graduate

Step 2: Register for Commencement

Complete the Commencement registration form to let us know your plan to attend Commencement. The deadline to submit this form is Thursday, June 20.

Register for Commencement

Step 3: Order Your Cap and Gown

Order your cap and gown online. You will be given two shipping options. 

  • Ship to Home (additional shipping and handling fee): ordering deadline—Sunday, June 23
  • Ship to Bookstore (pick-up beginning July 16): ordering deadline— Sunday, June 16