Ball State University reserves the right to coordinate ticket operations. For events with ticket sales to the general public, the following Box Office fees will apply:
- 3% of ticket sales, 3% recovery charge on all credit card sales, and 10 cents per ticket.
- Ticketed events are subject to additional cost recovery for required staffing.
- Repeat performances during the same day will be subject to a charge of one-half the initial rental fee. Additional performances on subsequent days will be subject to the same initial rental fee.
- Lessee will be financially responsible for all direct expenses including but not limited to required rental for video projection, backline, intelligent lighting, sound reinforcement, crowd management, security, or clean-up costs.
The sponsoring University department will be financially responsible for all direct expenses including but not limited to required rental for video projection, backline, intelligent lighting, sound reinforcement, crowd management, security, or clean up costs.