We can help you help your clients.
Our Professional Advisor Resource Center is a comprehensive collection of information and tools for professional advisors who specialize in philanthropic planning. It includes:
Annual Seminar
Each year, the Philanthropy Advisory Council seminar provides current information about charitable giving and estate planning. It’s also a chance to network and earn continuing education credits.
Planned Giving Answers Online provides professional advisors with information that includes giving concepts, planned gifts and types of tax rules.
A free technical research tool that lets you find answers to most questions about estate and gift planning. It also has a complete tax update service, a gift calculator, and an email newsletter signup.
This monthly newsletter includes technical information for estate and gift planning.
Philanthropy Advisory Council
Founded in 1984, our Philanthropy Advisory Council educates advisors about charitable and estate planning so they may better serve their clients.
The council is one of the largest and most established professional advisory groups associated with a U.S. charity. It has more than 900 accountants, attorneys, financial planners, community and private foundation executives, insurance professionals, and other advisors primarily located in Indiana.
For More Information
Contact Mark Helmus.
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