In the lobby of Sursa Hall, on the corner of McKinley and Riverside and across the street from Emens Auditorium. Patrons can use the circle drive located on Riverside to visit the Box office during business hours.
The College of Fine Arts Box Office hours are noon-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and one hour before each performance at the production venue.
The College of Fine Arts Box Office is closed during Ball State's winter and summer breaks.
Tickets for College of Fine Arts events can be purchased here.
Venue Locations and Parking
Patrons can use the Ball State Map App to assist with locating Venues and Parking on Campus.
Please note: most parking lots are free after 5 pm and garages after 7 pm on weekdays, and all parking on campus is free on weekends and holidays. Patrons who may have a hard time walking longer distances may be dropped off at the North-bound bus stop near the electronic Theatre and Dance marquee on McKinley Avenue for University Theatre, Strother Theatre, or Cave Theatre events, Sursa Hall's circle drive on Riverside for School of Music events, or next to Ball Gym using R11's drive for Korsgaard Dance Studio events.