Connect with your peers, network with leading professionals, and take part in meaningful service in our diverse professional, community, and campus organizations.
Most useful for second- through fifth-year students enrolled in the Department of Architecture, the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is open to students of all majors. Since 1956, the organization has served as an official voice of students to the educational system and the profession.
Learn more.
Freedom by Design
This is an outreach initiative of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) local chapter. Members share their skills and energy to help elderly or low-income Muncie residents who have difficulty getting around in their homes, improving entrances, widening doorways, adding accessible features to bathrooms, and the like. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
Make professional contacts in the field of historic preservation, give preservation a boost in the broader community, and take part in enhanced educational experiences and opportunities. Learn more.
ECAP Student Help Association
Interaction between different class levels in the Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning is the focus of this interdisciplinary organization. For more information, contact the college office.
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)
Interaction between different class levels in the Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning is the focus of this interdisciplinary organization. For more information, contact the college office.
“Glue” (Student-run Architecture Journal)
“Glue” is an annual nonprofit student journal produced and managed by students in the Department of Architecture. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
Students play a key role in the activities of the Greater Muncie, Indiana Habitat for Humanity, which organizes trips to work on projects across the country and elsewhere. Learn more or email us.
National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)
Minority architecture students and professionals get together to address needs and concerns. For more information, contact the Department of Architecture.
US Emerging Green Building Council_Student Chapter (USGBC)
Students in this multi-disciplinary club promote green design principles, discuss passive design and renewable energy as it relates to the world around us, in order to become the future leaders in the green building industry. This organization is open to students in any major interested in green building strategies. Learn more.
Ball State has hundreds of student organizations. Find something that’s just right for you.
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