Merrielle and her students researched the major issues of animal abuse and neglect and responsible pet ownership.
The group traveled to Chicago, Indianapolis, Denver, local elementary and middle schools, and worked with both government and nonprofit animal shelters on their journey. The seminar produced a documentary film and a children’s educational video for its community partners, the Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) and the Muncie Animal Shelter.
The class also designed an interactive exhibit - The Pet Experience - to compliment the films and to showcase the numerous educational print materials that it created for schools, local organizations and the community.
View the Strengthening Opinions about Animal Responsibility Seminar website to learn more about the project.

Merrielle Turnbull, Assistant Professor of English
L-R, Front Row: Amy Anderson, Hannah Barrick, Abigail Duerlinger, Caroline Robelen, Samantha Bilbrey, Nicole Wilson, Carson Royer, Carly Powell; Second Row: Merrielle Turnbull, Elizabeth (Liz) Palmer, Neil Miller, Stephanie Steele, Neil Hausey, Jessica Knox, Alycia (Aly) Jones.