Jason and his students teamed up to make interactivity, learning, and fun synonymous, changing the way elementary school students see the sciences in order to teach these students why matter matters.
The class used digital publishing software to design and create the Chemistry Matters iPad apps - interactive multimedia textbook applications covering the fifth grade Indiana state physical science standards by utilizing tablet technology, photos, videos, and animation to explain the physical sciences - for the Apple App Store.
The seminar worked with the students in the Burris Laboratory School to user-test the content and functionality of the teaching tool, as well as to determine the educational effectiveness of the applications.


L-R, Front Row: Nicholas (Nick) lanigro, Kylie Sturm, Tache Thomas, Mary Mellen, Ashley Bedwell, Alison (Ali) Markus; Second Row: Peter (Pete) McLaughlin, Christopher (Chris) Lambert, Tyler Goodreau, Joseph (Joe) Kaufeld, Jason Ribblett, Phillip (Phil) Belcher, Marcus Carroll; Sarah Erhart and Nicholas (Nick) Ankerbruck (not pictured).