Carla and her students started the conversation on redefining the “American Dream” - reexamining the dream as it relates to housing and the recent housing crisis - considering ways it could be expanded through increased awareness, understanding and acceptance of alternative housing options.
Students analyzed the way the “American Dream” of home ownership is embedded in children’s toys and media, targeting perceptions in relation to the stigmas behind different housing options. The seminar produced a documentary that explores how children view housing structurally and socioeconomically, and created an interactive website as a resource for families, educators, and housing professionals.
The seminar’s community partners included the National Apartment Association and the Cornerstone Center for the Arts.
View the Redefining the Dream website to learn more about the project.
L-R, Front Row: Julia Sherck, Erin Anderson, Carolyn Case, Kristina Smith, Novak, Katie Morris; Second Row: Carla Earhart, Eliza Dole Ward, Joel Mynsberge, Emily Westmeier, Megan Bloom, John Kiefer; Third Row: Joseph Buschur, Ivana Armstrong, Andrew Ward.
