Jennifer and her students produced a documentary film that explores the difficulties in merging organizational cultures after an acquisition.
The team researched the strategies that make mergers work successfully and then filmed the interactions of various businesses that have been bought and sold. In addition to producing the documentary, the students wrote case studies and other educational material for professional journals and educational textbook companies.
The seminar’s partners (and potential subjects) include Huntington National Bank, Corbett Accel Health Care Group, Fisher Properties, and Raymond James Associates.

Jennifer Bott, Associate Professor of Management
L-R, Front Row: Ashley Keebler, Deborah Hoe, Lisa Cappa, Professor Jennifer Bott, Kara Safran, Traci Lloyd, Briana Yoder, David Hentz; Second Row: Brandon Schenk, Tyler Straessle, Lauren Cleaver, Elizabeth Nogosek, Derek Young, Matthew (Jimmy) Mitchell; Third Row: Shane Magwire, Nicholas Shipe, Evan Stall.