Not sure where to start?

Schedule an advising appointment with our Study Abroad Peer Ambassadors (in-person or Zoom) to discuss the study abroad process. Our Peer Advisors have experience with Ball State study abroad programs and have been trained to assist you in exploring your options and can speak to you in a peer-to-peer environment.

Learn more about all of our study abroad advising opportunities below.

advising opportunities

Schedule a meeting with someone from our Study Abroad Advising team to discuss the process of studying abroad! Our peer ambassadors have studied abroad, are familiar with Ball State’s programs, and have been trained to assist you in exploring your different options. They will meet with you in a peer-to-peer environment to help get you started. When you’re ready to discuss program options in more depth, meet with Annika Vinje, our Study Abroad Advisor. 

Book an appointment with Study Abroad Advising using this direct booking link. When you sign up, we'll ask a little about you-- your major/year, as well as where/when you'd like to go abroad. All in-person meetings will take place in room 102 of the Student Center, or we can meet with you on zoom if you'd rather!  

If you have specific questions, please feel free to email us at

Schedule an appointment

Once you’ve already been accepted to a program, we want to help you through course equivalencies, visa considerations, nominations, and more. The tasks depend on the program you’ve chosen. Book an appointment with your Study Abroad Advisor using the direct booking link below.

All in-person meetings will take place in room 102 of the Student Center, or we can meet with you on zoom if you'd rather! 

If you have specific questions, please feel free to email your Study Abroad Advisor at

Schedule an appointment

Join us for our Study Abroad 101 presentations! We’ll overview program types, things to consider when choosing a program, and how to apply. Led by our peer advisors, these presentations are an excellent way for students to begin their journey to study abroad.


Offered once a year, our Study Abroad Fair gathers our faculty leaders and our providers in one place for students to interact with and ask questions. Tables are set up, and professors leading programs in the upcoming terms explain their programs to you so you have firsthand information on the programs! 

Faculty—invite a Study Abroad Peer Ambassador into your classroom! Visits are typically five minutes but could be longer depending on faculty preference. The peer ambassador will give an overview of study abroad program types and invite students to attend the study abroad fair, information sessions, or to schedule a meeting with us for one-on-one study abroad advising.  

Schedule A Visit