Research at the Indiana University School of Medicine-Muncie (IUSM-Muncie) on the campus of Ball State University is quite diverse. Current extramurally funded research projects include: high resolution imaging of axon loss during development and disease, molecular mechanisms of synapse formation, role of epigenetics in gene expression, central mechanisms of gustation, the role of glycogen in development and disease, and the pathogenesis of typhus.

The faculty research labs at IUSM-Muncie train both undergraduate and graduate students from Ball State University in collaboration with the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Physiology/Health Science Departments. Faculty members also participate as mentors in the Chemistry Research Immersion Summer Program (CRISP) sponsored by Ball State University’s Chemistry Department.

Read about some or of our faculty research interests and publications:

Derron Bishop, PhD
High Resolution Imaging of Synaptic Rearragements

Larry Fromm, PhD
Molecular mechanisms of neuromuscular synapse formation

Michael Litt, PhD
Epigenetic modifications in cell lines and tissues during cellular differentiation and development

Bart Pederson, PhD
The role of glycogen in development, physiology and disease