The Undergraduate Exercise Science Laboratory is a 1,600 square foot facility dedicated to enhancing the preparation of students in the exercise science curriculum. The laboratory is used by the exercise physiology (PEP 493) and fitness assessment classes (EXSCI 201 and EXSCI 402). In addition to the use, the lab is open for student use most afternoons during week and is staffed by an upper level undergraduate student in the program. During open lab hours student may use the lab to study, to complete assignments, or to perfect practical skills being taught in class. The laboratory also serves as the home base and meeting location for the EXSCI Majors Club.
The laboratory houses a number of pieces of exercise testing equipment including:
- Motor driven treadmill
- Sensormedic 2900 metabolic system
- Monark cycle ergometers
- Electrocardiograph
- Blood pressure gauges and stethoscopes
- Skinfold calipers
- Sit-and-reach boxes
- Computer-based spirometry system
- Handgrip dynamometers
- Polar heart rate monitors