Project Summary

A key component of creating a more sustainable campus is encouraging cycling on campus as an alternative to commuting to campus and circulating around campus via a personal automobile. Bicycle commuting and circulation are important contributors to reducing the negative impacts from automobile trips and parking, including impervious surfaces, emissions, and the heat island effect. The Ball State Bicycle Master Plan looks to do this by identifying existing routes, proposed or preferred routes, and infrastructure improvements for bicycling. The result of this study will be a campus-wide plan and implementation strategy for a system of bicycle routes, both on-street and off-street.

Community Open House

Two community open houses will be held to gather input regarding bicycling conditions on and near campus. In the first open house, participants will be informed of the overall project schedule, process, and opportunities for input, including the project website, user survey, and WikiMap. In addition, a mapping exercise will be conducted to help the project team further understand existing conditions, garner pertinent knowledge of trip generators and existing barriers, and ultimately develop effective recommendations for improvements.

Open House #1

Wednesday, November 30th

Student Center – 2nd Floor – Cardinal Room C
2000 W. University Ave., Muncie, IN 47306

4:00pm to 7:00pm
(you may arrive anytime during this timeframe)

Online Interactive Mapping

The online interactive mapping exercise will be available through January 2017. This activity will allow you to draw lines on a Google map to show where you currently bike, and where you would like to bike on and near campus. You can also mark destinations that you would like to reach. Click on the WikiMap screen image below to be redirected to the map and the brief tutorial for using the website.

Wiki Map

Community Survey

As part of the public input and process, an online survey has been prepared to gather information on commuting patterns, barriers to bicycling, transportation needs, and opinions regarding bicycle travel on campus. The survey will be available January of 2017 and your input is completely anonymous.  Click on the survey logo below to be redirected to the survey.