Instructors will have immediate access to course shells once the shells have been created. The blank shell will appear on the instructor’s course listing in Canvas, where they may create course content, add content from a previous semester’s shell, or copy from a development shell.
Students are added to courses two weeks before the start of the term. Until the course is published, students will not see the course on their Canvas Dashboard. Additionally, items within the course must be published before students can access them, such as Modules, Discussion Boards, and Assignments.
Students should not begin participating in the course, such as submitting an assignment or contributing to a discussion topic, until the first day of class, per Financial Aid regulations governing semester start dates.
In Canvas, courses conclude at the end of a term. When the course is concluded, the course is only viewable in the Past Enrollment section of the Courses list in the Canvas global navigation menu. Students can only view these past enrollment courses as ready-only.
Faculty have full access to concluded courses for the purposes of submitting grades two weeks after the term is concluded. Then, Faculty have read-only access to past enrollment courses, but retain the ability to copy course content to other Canvas shells. A concluded course remains accessible in Canvas, in a read-only state, for students and Faculty for 3 years.