Topics: Commencement, Muncie

May 5, 2021

Ball State University will hold in-person commencement exercises this Friday and Saturday and again on May 15. The University urges all participants, attendees, and Muncie residents to plan for potential traffic delays both near Scheumann Stadium and on Interstate 69.

Out-of-town visitors should be aware that Interstate 69 traffic is limited to one lane in the northbound lanes near Exit 234 (Daleville). That lane restriction could create slowed traffic. All attendees of Ball State graduation ceremonies are encouraged to proceed to Exit 241 (IN-332), as it will provide the most direct route to Scheumann Stadium, where ceremonies will take place.

As for traffic patterns near Scheumann Stadium, attendees will have two options to enter Scheumann Stadium parking lots. Vehicles must enter off of McGalliard Road or Bethel Avenue, near the Alumni Center.

Tillotson Avenue between Bethel and McGalliard will be closed during two of the ceremonies (May 8 at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.). The closure will be similar to home football games to allow for safe crossing for attendees who park in the overflow lot next to First Merchants Ballpark. The only exception to that closure will be eastbound McGalliard traffic that is directed to park in the overflow lot. That stretch of Tillotson will only close for other ceremonies if University Police deem it necessary.

The overflow lot will only be used if the stadium lot is full, or if exiting traffic from the stadium lot for one ceremony conflicts with arriving traffic for another ceremony. UPD will direct traffic as needed. 

Additional parking will also be available at Northside Middle School and lots near the Ball State tennis courts, if needed.

Ball State encourages all participants and attendees to plan ahead, arrive early and then follow the directives of officers who will be managing traffic flow. Gates will open one hour before each ceremony. The ceremony schedule is as follows:

Friday, May 7 (Doctoral, Specialist, and Master’s candidates for Spring 2021):

  • Graduate School, 7 p.m.

Saturday, May 8 (Bachelor’s and Associate candidates for Spring 2021):

  • R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning; College of Communication, Information, and Media; Teachers College, 8 a.m.
  • Miller College of Business, Noon
  • College of Fine Arts, and College of Health, 4 p.m.College of Sciences and Humanities, 8 p.m.

Saturday, May 15 (Class of 2020):

  • R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning; College of Sciences and Humanities; Teachers College, 8 a.m.
  • Miller College of Business; College of Communication, Information, and Media; College of Fine Arts; College of Health, Noon.

To the extent possible, Ball State kindly requests Muncie residents avoid the area around Scheumann Stadium during ceremonies to help limit graduation traffic congestion.

As a reminder, all commencement attendees—who must have a ticket to attend—are required to wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose. No umbrellas are permitted in the stadium, but rain ponchos will be distributed if needed. Seating in the stadium will be assigned seating, according to tickets. All seating for graduates and guests will follow physical distancing guidelines, and the venue will be sanitized between each ceremony.

For those unable to attend commencement in person, ceremonies will be live-streamed online. For those streams and the latest information regarding Ball State graduation, visit