May 8, 2021

Ball State University on Friday and Saturday held five in-person commencement ceremonies to honor approximately 2,500 participating Spring 2021 graduates.

The ceremonies were held at Scheumann Stadium on Ball State’s beautiful campus. Physical distancing and other health and safety protocols were followed throughout the two days, and the venue was sanitized between each ceremony.

One ceremony Friday evening honored Graduate School students (Doctoral, Specialist, and Master’s candidates). Four ceremonies throughout the day on Saturday honored undergraduates (Bachelor’s and Associate candidates).

The return of in-person ceremonies demonstrates Ball State’s progress toward normalcy and its commitment to providing a vibrant experience for every student.

Each participating graduate was permitted to allow up to four guests to attend the ceremonies. In total, more than 12,500 guests were ticketed to attend the five ceremonies.

Ball State will hold two additional in-person commencement ceremonies on May 15 to honor the Class of 2020.