
Earth/Space Science Education Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

With a teaching major in earth/space science from Ball State, you will play the crucial role of introducing middle- or high-school students to the natural world. Learn more.

earth space science

Environmental Geoscience Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Our major in environmental geoscience is a less math- and physics-intensive program and is designed to prepare you for the environmental consulting field and state government agencies. Learn more.


Geology Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Our major in geology is designed to prepare you for geological careers in industry (petroleum, mining, and environmental), government agencies (U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Protection Agency), on continuing on to graduate school. Learn more.

Student with meter

Natural Resources and Environmental Management Major

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Preserving natural resources. Improving environmental quality. Making the Earth a safer and healthier place to live for everyone. If those objectives align with your values, then Ball State’s major in natural resources and environmental management (NREM) will help you live them out in your career. Learn more.

 Learn about a Degree in Data Analytics

Data Analytics is an emerging interdisciplinary field with three concentration areas in Computational Data, Environmental Systems, and Social and Behavioral. Find out more about a degree in Data Analytics.

people wearing hazmat suits conduct an inspection

Emergency Management and Homeland Security

Choose a minor in emergency management and homeland security from Ball State, and you’ll graduate with crucial skills to complement a career in diverse corporate, nonprofit, and governmental settings. Learn more.


Environmental Geology

Ball State’s minor in environmental geology focuses on linking geological science with real-world environmental applications. Learn more.

student holding a small vile in a laboratory

Environmental Management

Augment your science-related major with an environmental focus through Ball State’s minor in environmental management. Learn more.

minor geology


Do you have your sights set on a career in the hard sciences? Ball State’s minor in geology will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in your field. Learn more.

Students at Nebraska Mill

Natural Resources

Are you interested in learning how to manage and use resources more effectively? Whether your major is in a science or non-science related field, our minor in natural resources will enhance your career opportunities. Learn more.

Students gather around a mobile produce truck

Master's Degree in Environmental Geoscience

Master of Arts

Deepen your understanding of our natural resources with a master’s degree that spans multiple scientific disciplines, giving you the background you’ll need to understand the complexities of the environment. Learn more.


Master's Degree in Geology and Natural Resources

Master of Science

Are you interested in taking your career to the next level by becoming a teacher, researcher, or advanced professional in a geology-related field? Ball State’s master’s degree in geology and natural resources will set you up for success. Learn more.


PhD in Environmental Science

Prepare yourself for a successful career in academia, industry, or government—any profession that needs highly qualified professionals trained in science with experience in applying fundamental skills to real environmental problems. Learn more.

Computer Recommendations

Students entering the Department of Environment, Geology, and Natural Resources may wish to possess a personal computer. Please view the computer specification recommendations for College of Science and Humanities students.