Jessi Haeft
Jessi Haeft
Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Management


Room:CS 346


Ph.D. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

M.S. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

B.S. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA

Current Research:

Dr. Jessi Haeft (formerly Dr. Ghezzi) is an Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Director of the Ball State Student Farm. Dr. Haeft teaches soil science, wetland delineation and sustainable agriculture. Her research interests are focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning soil science as well as building soil health through sustainable farming practices. Current research includes studying methods of growing hemp in Indiana, the study of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil profiles with cover crops and gated tile drainage; high tunnel production of vegetables; and use of companion planting for pest control in vegetable production. Past research includes studies of the interactions of lead, copper, arsenic and selenium with soil colloids. Dr. Haeft volunteers with a number of student professional development organizations and assists students in preparing for successful careers in the sciences. In 2014 Dr. Haeft created the Soil Judging team at Ball State University and continues to serve as coach. Graduate students are encouraged to contact her for research and soil judging assistant coach opportunities. 

Dr. Haeft is Director of the Ball State Student Farm, which was started with a Discovery Grant in 2016. Over 400 students have been involved in the production of over 179 varieties of produce. The goals of the Farm are to provide experiential learning opportunities for students in food systems management as well as to provide a showcase conservation farm for dissemination of new techniques and research to local producers. Stay tuned for research publications and information about the farm! If you are interested in a tour, volunteering, or have questions about the student farm, you are encouraged to contact Dr. Haeft.

Select Publications:

Hylton, L., J. Ghezzi and B. Han. 2018. Microplastics in fluvial environments within Indiana’s White River. Proceedings of Indiana Academy of Science 127(1):72-81).

 J. Ghezzi, C. Egler, and K. Green. 2017. 'Learning-Liths' for enhancing the study of soil morphology. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal – Volume 61 (4): December 2017. pp. 336-339

 Brown, H., J. Ghezzi. 2017. Hydrology of Wetlands. Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society. Oxford University Press (accepted for publication).

Ghezzi, J.L., A.D. Karathanasis, J. Unrine, C. Matocha, and Y.L. Thompson.  2014.  Characterization of environmental nano- and macrocolloid particles extracted from selected soils and biosolids.  Applied and Environmental Soil Science. 2014:1-13. doi: 10.1155/2014/506482

Ghezzi, J.L., A.D. Karathanasis, J. Unrine, C. Matocha, and Y.L. Thompson.  2014.  Stability of soil and biosolid nanocolloid and macrocolloid particles in the absence and presence of arsenic, selenium, copper and lead.  Open Journal of Soil Science. 4 (7): 246-258.  doi: 10.4236/ojss.2014.47027

Ghezzi, J.L., A.D. Karathanasis, J. Unrine, C. Matocha, and Y.L. Thompson.  2014.  Competitive sorption behavior of arsenic, selenium, copper and lead by soil and biosolid nano- and macro-colloid particles. Open Journal of Soil Science (h5-index ranking: 9). 4 (9): 293-304. doi: 10.4236/ojss.2014.49031

A.D. Karathanasis, Ghezzi, J.L., O. Wendroth, J. Unrine, C. Matocha, and Y.L. Thompson.  2014.  Subsurface transport of As, Se, Cu, and Pb contaminants in association with soil and biosolid nano- and macro-colloid fractions.  Austin Journal of Hydrology.  1(1): 1-13.  

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 100 0000 - 0000
Soil Resources 221 1 1500 - 1650 R CS, room 109
Soil Resources 221 1 1400 - 1450 T R CS, room 109
Wetland Characteriza 320 1 1500 - 1950 T CS, room 109
Special Studies 497 2 0000 - 0000
Soil Quality 622 1 1230 - 1345 T R CS, room 313