Joshua Gruver
Joshua Gruver
Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Assistant Department Chair of the Department of Environmental, Geology, and Natural Resources


Room:CS 330B


Ph.D. Forest Resources & Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Pennsylvania State University. 2010

M.S. Forest Resources, The Pennsylvania State University. 2005

B.S. Biochemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. 1994

Current Research 

My research is focused on the human dimensions of natural resources management. I am interested in the socio-cultural, economic, and biophysical dimensions that help shape our relationship with natural resources and how we manage them. My central goal as a scholar is to integrate knowledge produced at the university with local knowledge and experience to co-create working solutions toward natural resource related issues. My current work is with small-scale farmers in east central Indiana and helping to foster a sustainable regional food system. With this, I spend significant time collaborating with Muncie residents, local institutions, local government, and the University, among others to foster sustainable connections among farmers, institutions, consumers, and the food insecure. I am the director of the Muncie Food Hub Partnership, whose mission is to nourish and strengthen the Muncie community through the robust exchange of fresh and affordable local food. This work has led to fruitful community and student engaged work.  

Another line of my research focuses on forest conservation and preservation. I am particularly interested in decision-making processes among private forest landowners regarding succession planning, as well as, their perceptions and attitudes towards forest parcelization and conservation. This work has been predominantly in Pennsylvania and currently beginning in Indiana. 

I have also been working on a project with drinking water quality in the Sagarmatha National Park (Mt Everest region) Nepal. Our work is evolving to include climate change research, assessing hazard vulnerability, and potentially souring potable groundwater for local communities. For me specifically, I am interested in community-based natural resources management and community governance structures. With the goal to collaboratively build resilience and capacity among community members in order to facilitate successful water resource management.  

Select Publications

Nicholson, K.N., Neumann, K., Dowling, C., Gruver, J., Sherma, H., and Sharma, S. 2018. An assessment of drinking water sources in Sagarmatha National Park (Mt. Everest Region), Nepal. Mountain Research and Development. 38(4): 353-364. DOI:10.1659/MRD-Journal-D17-00024.1

Gruver, J.B., Nicholson, K., Neumann, K., Sharma S., and Dowling C. 2017. Water quality in the Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal: a modification of viable field based testing methods. Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. 6(2): 361-372. DOI:10.5296/emsd.v6i2.10635  

Gruver, J.B., A.L. Metcalf, A.B. Muth, J. Finley, and A.E. Luloff. 2017. Making Decisions about Forest Land Succession: Perspectives from Pennsylvania’s Private Forest Landowners. Society and Natural Resources. 30(1):47-62. DOI:10.1080/08941920.2016.1180728

Grover, S.T., & J.B., Gruver. 2017. “Slow to Change”: Farmers’ perceptions of place based barriers to sustainable agriculture. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. DOI:10.1017/S1742170516000442

Metcalf, A.L., J.B. Gruver, J.C., Finley, and A.E. Luloff. 2017. Segmentation to focus outreach: Behavioral intentions of private forest landowners in Pennsylvania. Journal of Forestry. 114(4):466-473.

Luloff. A.E., J.C. Finley, W. Myers, A.L. Metcalf, D. Mataritta-Cascante, C.M. Robanarialena, J.S. Gordon and J.B. Gruver. 2012. What Do Stakeholders Add to Identification of Conservation Lands. International Journal of Society and Natural Resources. 24(2):1345-1353. 

Luloff, A.E., Dana LK. Hoag, D.L. Osmond, B.R. Woods, J.S. Gordon, J. B. Gruver, K. Roka, C.M. Raboanarielina, C. Longmire, M. Ward, J.L. Weigle. 2012. NIFA-CEAP Key Informant Survey: What Farmers, Agency Personnel, and Stakeholders Think. In How to Build Better Agricultural Conservation Programs to Protect Water Quality: The NIFA-CEAP Experience, ed D. Osmond,D. Meals, D. Hoag, and M. Arabi., Akeney, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society.

Gruver, J.B. and Luloff A.E. 2008. Engaging Pennsylvania teachers in watershed education. The Journal of Environmental Education. 40(1):43-54. 

Gruver, J.B., Smith, S.S., and Finley, J.C. 2008. Water curriculum evaluation for educators in Pennsylvania. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. 7(4):164-170. 

Gruver, J.B. 2005. Community Resources. In Spruce Creek Watershed Assessment and Stewardship Plan Keystone Project - Phase II. Eds. Sherwin, L. Cole, A. Center for Watershed Stewardship, The Pennsylvania State University. 

Gruver, J.B. 2005. Community Based Watershed Initiatives. In Spruce Creek Watershed Assessment and Stewardship Plan Keystone Project - Phase II. Eds. Sherwin, L. Cole, A. Center for Watershed Stewardship, The Pennsylvania State University.    

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Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 104 0000 - 0000
Special Studies 497 1 0000 - 0000
Special Studies 597 1 0000 - 0000
Food Systems 515 810 0000 - 0000
Thesis 698 103 0000 - 0000