Carolyn Dowling
Carolyn Dowling
Assistant Professor


Room:CS 344

 Ph.D., University of Rochester, 2002
 M.Sc., University of Rochester, 1998
 B.A., University of Virginia, 1995

 Current Research:
 Fundamentally, all of my research involves :

 Environmental and low-temperature geochemistry in aqueous systems. Projects cover cation/anion, trace   metal,  carbon, and nutrient distribution and cycling.  Projects based in Nepal and Antarctica.

 Alternative energy.  Projects cover hydrogeology and thermal efficiency of the ground-source geothermal fields   on campus.  Particular emphasis on hydrogeology and temperature profiles.
 Polar Research.  Geochemistry projects, specifically water-rock interactions, in ephemeral streams, ice-covered   lakes, and glacial sediments.
Select Publications:

 Gruver, J. B., K. N. Nicholson, K. Neumann, S. Sharma, C. B. Dowling, 2017, Water quality in the Sagarmatha   National Park, Nepal: A modification of viable field-based testing methods, Environmental Management and   Sustainable Development

 Dowling, C.B., Neumann, K. and Florea, L. eds., 2016, Editors of Geothermal Energy: An Important Resource (Vol.   519). Geological Society of America.

 **Siliski, A.C., L. J. Florea, C. B. Dowling, K. Neumann, A. C. Samuelson, M. Dunn, 2016, Stratigraphic   heterogeneity   in thermal and hydraulic characteristics in district-scale ground-source geothermal systems, in   Geothermal   Energy: An Emerging Resource. GSA Special Paper (C.B. Dowling, K. Neumann, and L.J. Florea, eds.),   Geological   Society of America. (Book Chapter)

 Henderson*, K. M., S. M. Goldsmith, S. A. Welch, J. M. Sheets, C. B. Dowling, K. A. Welch, C. Hall, and W. B. Lyons,   2015, Evaluating the quantity and composition of suspended sediments in the ephemeral streams of Taylor   Valley, Antarctica, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47(7):531.

 Dowling, C. B., R. J. Poreda, and W. B. Lyons, 2014, The effects of a high meltwater year on the physical limnology   of Lake Fryxell and Lake Hoare, Taylor Valley, Antarctica, as evident by dissolved gas, tritium, and   chlorofluorocarbons, Antarctic Science. DOI: 10.1017/S095410201300062X.

 *undergraduate student
 **graduate student