Studying anthropology sharpens your critical-thinking skills and broadens your background, making you more flexible to fit into a variety of employment opportunities. You’ll also sharpen your communication and analysis skills to develop a sophisticated approach when assessing personal and career situations.
Traditionally, professional anthropologists have taught and conducted research at colleges and universities or worked as curators in museums. Over the past two decades, however, more anthropologists have started working in applied fields such as environmental assessment, planning and development, organizational consulting, medical research, and contract archaeology. Most non-teaching jobs in anthropology are found in the areas of archaeology, applied anthropology, and environmental studies.
Job Outlook for Anthropologists and Archaeologists

Employment in 2016

Projected Employment in 2026

Common Careers
Career opportunities for anthropology graduates include:
- archives and records services
- bilingual education
- communications
- cultural brokerage
- cultural/heritage agencies
- documentary filmmaking
- environmental impact assessment
- federal public service
- forensics
- fundraising
- genetics counseling
- historical archaeology
- historic preservation
- information research
- international business
- international development
- journalism
- law enforcement agencies
- legal services
- legislative service
- libraries
- management
- marketing
- museums
- park ranger work
- personnel
- public affairs
- public relations
- publishing
- scientific and creative writing
- teaching
- translating and interpreting
- travel work
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics