October 24, 2018

As the 2018 midterm elections approach, a majority of Hoosiers approve of the job President Trump is doing, according to preliminary results of the Old National Bank/Ball State University 2018 Hoosier Survey.

In the telephone survey of 604 adult Hoosiers, 53 percent approved of the job Trump is doing as president, compared to only 39 percent who disapproved.

“These survey results add to the evidence that the president’s approval is beginning to rebound, just in time for the midterm elections,” said Chad Kinsella, a political science professor and survey analyst at the Bowen Center for Public Affairs at Ball State, which conducts the annual public opinion survey.

“Trump’s approval has rebounded significantly since the 2017 Hoosier Survey, which put him underwater with only 41 percent approval. This is an increase of 12 percentage points in a year.”

The Bowen Center will release additional results in the coming weeks as the data are analyzed. Topics include gas and cigarette tax increases, school safety, opioid/drug problems, sports gambling, medical work requirements, and legal marijuana.

The survey also indicates that Trump’s approval depends on a respondent’s party, said Kinsella.

“President Trump has great support among Republicans, with 92 percent approving, more tepid support among independents, with 46 percent approval, and little support among Democrats, with only 11 percent approving.”

The survey was conducted by Issues & Answers Network, Inc. (I&A). The margin of sampling error for the complete set of weighted data is 5.1 percentage points.

The Bowen Center for Public Affairs at Ball State University conducts the annual Old National Bank/Ball State University Hoosier Survey to provide Indiana policymakers with a measure of public opinion on current issues facing our state and nation. This nonpartisan public policy survey is designed to take the pulse of the state with regard to the most pressing issues facing Hoosiers. The results are delivered to every member of the Indiana General Assembly at the beginning of the calendar year so that lawmakers can gauge public views about issues they are likely to face in the coming session.