Topic: Administrative
August 29, 2017

Ball State’s total enrollment has hit a record of 22,513 students.
Ball State University today announced its total enrollment reached 22,513 — the largest in the school’s nearly 100-year history.
Ball State’s incoming freshman class also set new records for underrepresented populations (20 percent) and out-of-state students (18.6 percent). Overall, Ball State’s freshman class, 4,002, is its second largest – only 3 students shy of the school record set in 1997. Nearly 73 percent of incoming freshman class have earned an Honors Diploma (the Indiana average is 38 percent) and had a 3.5 grade point average.
“We are very proud of all these numbers, not simply the sheer size of total enrollment and the freshman class but also the quality,” said Ball State President Geoffrey S. Mearns, who noted that strong enrollment numbers are simply the latest sign of a university on a positive trajectory.
He also cited the university’s quality academic programs, talented faculty, strong financial foundation, the smallest tuition increase in 40 years and continuing support from elected officials—including additional operating appropriations and $87.5 million in funding for the new science building.
“As we head into our Centennial year in 2018, Ball State is in a great position and we’re all very excited about the future,” Mearns said. “Clearly, our focus on academic innovation has found a ready audience. Students and their families appreciate that, at Ball State, we don’t just impart knowledge and skills. We instill the enduring values distinctive to our University.”
Other statistical highlights of this year’s enrollment include:
- Total campus population of 16,825, including 15,379 undergraduates and 1,446 graduate students.
- Total off-campus population of 5,688, including 4,670 online students (83percent are graduate students) and 1,018 at a location other than the main campus or online (68 percent of which are high school students).