Monday, February 10, 2025
All Day Event
The Student Creative Arts program supports those projects that propose the creation and/or presentation of original works of creative art. Eligible creative arts projects include Arts Education, Dance, Literature, Media Arts, Music, and many more.
All Day Event
Projects submitted to the research competition involve a process of study or discovery that will produce new insights, theories, or will apply such knowledge to problem-solving within the discipline or in society.
Ball State University Men's Golf vs The Match Play - Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club - South Course Location: Dade City, FL
Ball State University Women's Golf at Rust Buster Match Play - Kings Ridge Golf Club Location: Clermont, FL
10 a.m.
Interested in how you can integrate creativity, environmental care, social justice, technology, and place-making? Join the Department of Landscape Architecture (College of Architecture & Planning) for a virtual information session for prospective graduate students interested in the dynamic and exciting discipline of landscape architecture!
10:30 a.m.
Appeals on Wheels: Traveling Oral Arguments is coming to Ball State! Join the Department of Political Science to hear a REAL appeals case from the Indiana Court of Appeals, T.W. v. State of Indiana.
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
What does it mean to be professional? In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn about professional communication, judgment, dress, and organizational culture based on feedback from employers.
12 p.m.
Calendar: Graduate School
Building Mentoring Capacities. Dr. Buffy SmithJoin Dr. Buffy Smith for a session focused on how the cycles of mentoring can foster a strong sense of belonging for college students.