Friday, December 13, 2024
12 a.m.
Calendar: Registrar
All Day Event
December 13 | Fall Semester Ends
10 a.m.
Learn more about our Master of Urban and Regional Planning program!
10 a.m.
students in the atrium art galleryThe School of Art invites the public to attend the Studio Art Senior Show! The show runs from December 3 through 14. Graduating seniors will display artworks created as part of their senior capstone projects, representing a dynamic range of media, concepts, and styles. This is a great chance to see the exciting art being made by some of the School of Art's seniors!
4 p.m.
students in the atrium art galleryThe School of Art invites the public to attend the Studio Art Senior Show! The show runs from December 3 through 14. Graduating seniors will display artworks created as part of their senior capstone projects, representing a dynamic range of media, concepts, and styles. This is a great chance to see the exciting art being made by some of the School of Art's seniors!
5 p.m.
Christmas star posterOver the years many people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, as described in the Bible. Can the star be explained as an exploding star, a comet, or some other natural event in the sky? Potential natural explanations for the Star of Bethlehem and common modern-day misconceptions will be discussed. Suitable for all ages 10+, all ages are welcome.
6:30 p.m.
Christmas star posterOver the years many people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, as described in the Bible. Can the star be explained as an exploding star, a comet, or some other natural event in the sky? Potential natural explanations for the Star of Bethlehem and common modern-day misconceptions will be discussed. Suitable for all ages 10+, all ages are welcome.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. | Emens Auditorium
8 p.m.
Pop Performance Lab onstage in Pruis HallJoin the Pop Performance Lab for their final performance of the year at Be Here Now! Entry cost will be $10.