Thursday, May 30, 2024
9:30 a.m.
Supervisors are invited to join this 30 minute session to learn tips for sharing engagement survey results with your team, questions to ask your employees and what you should be focusing on to build engagement on your team.
9:30 a.m.
Calendar: Working Well
Supervisors are invited to join this 30 minute session to learn tips for sharing engagement survey results with your team, questions to ask your employees and what you should be focusing on to build engagement on your team.
10 a.m.
Join us for a virtual event where you can learn about the PhD and EdS School Psychology Programs!
12 p.m.
Calendar: Working Well
Mindful MeditationSpend a few minutes each week in mindful meditation! Register for Mindful Meditation on Thursdays during Summer 2024. Hosted by Engagement, Wellbeing, and Culture (Working Well) in collaboration with the Ball State Counseling Practicum Clinic.
12 p.m.
Spend a few minutes each week in mindful meditation! Register for Mindful Meditation on Thursdays during Summer 2024. Hosted by Engagement, Wellbeing, and Culture (Working Well) in collaboration with the Ball State Counseling Practicum Clinic.
12 p.m.
University Libraries Workshop Calendar Thumbnail 2024Are you new to built environment research, starting a new degree program, or just beginning a project and not sure where to start? Then this workshop is for you! Learn how to get started with research topics in architecture, construction management, historic preservation, interior design, urban design, or urban planning. Tools covered will include OneSearch, article databases, interlibrary loan, and document delivery.