Monday, April 15, 2024
All Day Event
April 15 | Open Registration for Fall 2024
All Day Event
This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department.
All Day Event
International Travel Program funds are awarded to tenured, tenure-track faculty members, and full-time contract appointment faculty members to facilitate international academic or creative activity.
All Day Event
Available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School, or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works.
All Day Event
Provides faculty support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions.
12:30 a.m.
If you need financial aid to help pay for college, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). The 2024–25 FAFSA form is currently available.
11:30 a.m.
Come browse the collections, play trivia games, and pick up University Libraries giveaway items!Architecture LibraryBuilding Material Samples CollectionAndrew Seager ArchiveGIS Research & Map Collection
12 p.m.
Calendar: Career Center
What does it mean to be professional? In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn about professional communication, judgment, dress, and organizational culture based on feedback from employers.
1:30 p.m.
Brightline is the first new high-speed passenger train in this country in 25 years. Entirely funded by private investors, sixteen daily trains run in each direction between Miami and Orlando. What’s more, they’re comfortable and fun to ride!
2 p.m.
After a failed attempt to secure freedom for East Berlin in 1953, the communist government sealed off the eastern half of the city. In 1961, the German Democratic Republic began construction of the infamous Berlin Wall that stood in place until 1989. The presenter, Tom Schwartz, first went to Germany in 1961 as an exchange student so he was there when the wall went up. He received a BA in German from Indiana University and a MA in German Language and Literature from University of Pittsburgh. Program is offered by the E.B. and Bertha C. Ball Center in association with Westminster Village.
6 p.m.
Come celebrate the end of the year with ASU! We will have food, fun, and games.