Thursday, February 15, 2024
All Day Event
Provides faculty support to aid in expenses associated with publication, reprints, article processing or open access charges, page charges, and subventions.
All Day Event
This funding is designed to supplement travel funds provided by the faculty member's college and department.
All Day Event
International Travel Program funds are awarded to tenured, tenure-track faculty members, and full-time contract appointment faculty members to facilitate international academic or creative activity.
All Day Event
Available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School, or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works.
12 p.m.
In today's world of information overload, misinformation, clickbait, and AI, being a careful consumer of information is more important than ever. Join University Libraries for this session in which we'll discuss ways to be intentional in your media consumption and information sharing, how to evaluate information for accuracy, authority and bias, and how to contribute to the information ecosystem ethically. Katie Lorton, Director of Research and Branch Services, will share ways that University Libraries is working to help students develop their media literacy skills.This event is free and open to the public and a part of the Friends of Bracken Library’s Virtual Lunch and Learn series.
12 p.m.
Spend a few minutes each week in mindful meditation! Register here for Mindful Meditation on Thursdays during Spring 2024. Hosted by Working Well in collaboration with the Ball State Counseling Practicum Clinic.
12 p.m.
Spend a few minutes each week in mindful meditation! Register here for Mindful Meditation on Thursdays during Spring 2024. Hosted by Working Well in collaboration with the Ball State Counseling Practicum Clinic.
1 p.m.
Join Dr. Melissa Adams Corral for a session focused on enhancing your teaching and mentoring to support multilingual graduate students.
1:30 p.m.
There have been 49 vice presidents of the United States. However, very few people can name more than a handful of them. Harris will introduce all 49 VPs and share interesting stories about each of them. Limited to 40 guests. Three Thursdays, February 15-29 | No charge, reservations required
2 p.m.
Choose Empathy. Join us at the Student Center Forum Room for a transformative DEI workshop. Let's embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion together!
3 p.m.
Single subject (or single case) research is vital in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, but it can be tricky to search by topic for articles which use this research design. Join this webinar to learn how to use specialized techniques in the University Libraries’ databases and find the research you need.
6 p.m.
Join this collaboration with the Health Promotion and Advocacy Office to learn and talk about the intricacies of sex, relationships, and dating!
7:30 p.m.
As the ghosts of a past wrong begin to emerge, a tangled web of lies reveals family secrets and chilling motives, where the real murderer turns out to be the greatest mystery of all. Tickets available through the College of Fine Arts Box Office.
8 p.m.
ROM-COMS, LOVE SONGS, & TRIVIA 💘FEB. 158PM - 10PMNOYER DINING HALLkeep spreading the love with some romance themed trivia about rom-coms, love songs, and more! 💓✨️