Tuesday, April 22, 2025
11 a.m.
Michael ShebekMichael Shebek is a Ball State graduate and former standout pitcher for the school's baseball team. Leveraging the skills and discipline he learned at Ball State, Michael went on to become the CEO of multiple U.S.-based companies, including Automatic Pool Covers, Inc. and Cover Care, LLC. In 2000, he acquired Automatic Pool Covers and spearheaded a transformative strategic change that resulted in a remarkable 30-fold revenue increase over the next 25 years, and revolutionized the industry in the process. Michael is a firm believer that when you identify a problem, you might be the first to discover a solution. He shares his approach to problem-solving with a solution-oriented mindset, demonstrating how entrepreneurs can seize opportunities and drive innovation.
7:30 p.m.
Stages is an inclusive and collaborative production that welcomes artists of all forms—whether your medium is dance, music, song, visual art, or any other mode of creative expression. Tickets available at the College of Fine Arts Box Office.