Wednesday, April 16, 2025
11 a.m.
Book Tour: Angie Estes and Mark Irwin. Wed., April 16th, 11am, Q+A on literary editing and publishing.
1 p.m.
For more than twenty-nine years, the Student Symposium has provided students with the opportunity to present their creative and scholarly projects, while gaining valuable insight from faculty and staff judges across campus and competing for cash prizes. The Symposium inspires interdisciplinary discourse, allowing students to learn from one another and engage more deeply. The Symposium also provides opportunities for participants to discuss their work with a broad audience and is open to any student from Ball State (undergraduate and graduate), Burris Laboratory School, and the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities.
7:30 p.m.

Blood Wedding explores the inevitability of fate and the passionate forces that drive human actions. In a series of poetic and haunting scenes, this story captures the profound and often tragic emotions of love, betrayal, and destiny. Tickets available at the College of Fine Arts Box Office.