Thursday, February 20, 2025
10 a.m.
patrons viewing the 89th Annual Student Art ShowThe School of Art and The Griner Gallery invites the public to the 90th Annual Student Art Show, running from February 14 to March 15. Come view the work of our talented students for free!
11 a.m.
Meeka JenningsMeeka Jennings is the CEO of TLC Equities and a licensed real estate agent dedicated to community transformation. A Ball State University alum from the Class of 2021, she has been recognized as a finalist for the Young Entrepreneur of the Year and the Spirit of Small Business awards. Soon to be a mom, Meeka continues to inspire with her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to excellence.
12 p.m.
Todd Trappe, PhD, Professor of Exercise Science in the Human Performance Laboratory, and part of the School of Kinesiology and College of Health, will discuss the research that the Human Performance Laboratory has been doing with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) over the last 30 years. He will specifically address the challenges to astronaut health during long-duration space missions and the role of exercise in maintaining astronaut health.
1:30 p.m.
Rich will discuss the role third parties play in our US elections. They can’t elect a president, but they have greatly affected our policies and laws. | Three Thursdays, February 20, 27, & March 6
4 p.m.
Educators are invited to a walk-through of "People and Places" with DOMA director Dr. Robert La France and guest curator Ronn Brown.
5 p.m.
Join guest curator and photographer Ronn Brown for a celebration of DOMA's Spring special exhibition "People and Places 1873-2000: A Selection of Photographs from DOMA's Collection."This event is free and open to the public.
7:30 p.m.
students perform at a wind ensemble concert in Sursa HallBall State's concert bands present a series of concerts each year featuring a wide range of music. Tickets available for purchase in person or online through the College of Fine Arts Box Office starting August 1. This concert will also be livestreamed.
7:30 p.m.
A cardinal red background with a line drawing of a rock in white with the word "CAVE" above it in white.This Bitter Earth is a powerful drama that examines the personal and political struggles of young Black characters as they confront issues of identity, history, and societal change in a racially charged environment. Tickets available through the College of Fine Arts Box Office.