Wednesday, January 22, 2025
10 a.m.
Object as Conceptual Workbook posterThe School of Art is proud to present Object as Conceptual Workbook, an exhibition by Michael Lorsung and Duane McDiarmid.
12 p.m.
BeneficenceJust because you graduated, doesn't mean you stopped learning. As an alum, you have exclusive access to a range of webinars and online events.
5 p.m.
BQBI: Unveiling the Palestinian Story
5 p.m.
Our discussion aims to explore the Palestinian story through personal experiences, history and the broader context of the critical events happening in real time. It will also delve into the different religions that exist in Palestine while at the same time shed light on some of the important terms being used. The event will draw a connection between personal stories of Palestinians and how those might reflect on societies in the US. The discussion will also delve further into potential solutions and the possibility of implementing them in real life.