Tuesday, October 15, 2024
All Day Event
The Student Travel Program is available for currently enrolled students at either Ball State, Burris Laboratory School or Indiana Academy to present works at a professional meeting, or perform or exhibit creative works.
1 p.m.
University Libraries Workshop Calendar Thumbnail 2024If you have an assignment which requires legal research this semester, this workshop may save you some time and frustration. It will introduce you to Nexis Uni and other sources for finding statutes, cases, legal encyclopedias, and law review articles.
2 p.m.
University Libraries Workshop Calendar Thumbnail 2024Discover how to find company and industry information for assignments or investing purposes using subscription databases available to Ball State University students, faculty, and staff. Sources include articles and company, stock, and industry reports. Participants will learn about creating lists of company data as well as finding articles and reports. This workshop may of interest to business students and faculty alike.
2 p.m.
Join Mr. Steve Reed on Zoom to learn more about Faculty Success.