ChalkboardFind Yourself. Discover New Worlds. 

The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies draws on faculty expertise to engage students and other community members in educational endeavors related to life’s biggest questions about identities, values, ethics, and religious practices. We create an inclusive learning environment shaped by critical inquiry, thereby preparing students from all backgrounds to succeed in a wide range of careers while leading meaningful lives and benefiting their communities.

We offer courses of study in philosophy, religious studies, and related humanistic fields. We combine cutting-edge scholarship with innovative pedagogies to advance the missions of our college and university. Our goal is to provide Ball State students with a broad humanistic education, fostering a deeper understanding of the world, recognition of its many communities, and an appreciation for philosophical questions and religious complexity. We seek to promote research and instruction in philosophy and religious studies, work cooperatively with our colleagues in other fields, and design engaged learning opportunities for the students of today and tomorrow.

Want to Know More?

If you have any questions or want to learn more, stop by our office in North Quad room 204, email us, or call us at 765-285-1244.