Michael Majors
Michael Majors
Instructor in the School of Music



Michael Majors has spent the last 20 years entertaining audiences around the world playing the bassoon, contrabassoon, bass guitar, guitar, and percussion instruments in the United States Army Bands and many other orchestras and ensembles.

As a member of the US Army Europe Band & Chorus, he performed in castles, concert halls, and Roman amphitheaters for audiences across Europe, including heads of state and foreign dignitaries, in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Upon returning to America, he has performed throughout the southern and mid-west states with the US Army Ground Forces Band, LaGrange Symphony, Carolina International Orchestra, Carolina Philharmonic, Kokomo Symphony, Kokomo Park Band, Marion Philharmonic, Muncie Symphony Orchestra, and Orchestra Indiana.

Staff Sergeant Majors is a currently serving member of the Indiana Army National Guard as the Principal Bassoonist and Logistics & Resource Manager for the 38th Infantry Division Band, where he performs regularly across Indiana in all types of ensembles. It has been his honor to serve and assist his fellow soldiers and citizens through musical support and he is only too happy to discuss how others can take advantage of the excellent opportunity to serve their country as a musician or in any other capacity.

Mr. Majors earned his Bachelor of Music, Symphonic Instruments, & Master of Music, Bassoon Performance, from Ball State University under the instruction of Keith Sweger.
Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Principal Study 201 04 1300 - 1350 M MI, room 104
Principal Study 201 04 1700 - 1750 M MI, room 229
Secondary Study 202 04 0000 - 0000
Minor Study 203 04 0000 - 0000
Minor Study 203 04 1300 - 1350 M MI, room 104
Minor Study 203 04 1700 - 1750 M MI, room 229
Small Ensemble (Wood 430 04 0000 - 0000
Elective Study 620 04 0000 - 0000