Kazumi Matsumoto
Associate Professor of Japanese
Modern Languages and Classics
Kazumi Matsumoto earned her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Japanese) at Purdue University in 2010. Her area of specialization is Second Language Acquisition, and her current primary area of research is Fluency in Second language Learners, Second Language Writing, and Intercultural Competence of Second Language Learners.
Fields of Interest:
Fluency in Second Language Learners, Second Language Writing, and Intercultural Competence of Second Language Learners.
Degree Held:
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics (Japanese) in 2010.
Place Earned
Purdue University
Fukada, A., et al. (2021) Learn Japanese Online: Elementary I, West Lafayette, Purdue University.
【Book chapters】
Matsumoto, K., Hirotani, M., & Fukada, A. (2019). Examining Oral Performance Characteristics of L2 Learners with theCAF Calculator. In A. Andujar (ed.), Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning, Hershey, (pp.132-148), PA: IGI Global.
Matsumoto, K., Hirotani, M., & Fukada, A. (2019).Fluency Calculator niyoru koutou ryuchousei kyakkanteki shihyou no sanshutu to sore wo mochiita ryuuchousei no Oudanteki kenkyu. [Fluency research with objectively measuring oral productions using Fluency Calculator]. In J.H.Lee (ed.), ICT Japanese education: Theory and Practice, (pp. 270-279), Tokyo Japan: Hitsuji Shobo Publishing.
Matsumoto, K. (2015). Evaluative expressions in persuasive essays by L2 learners of Japanese. In Miller, P. C.,Endo, H., Watzke, J., & Mantero, M. (Eds.), Readings in language studies (Vol. 5 pp.107-129), Grandville, MI: International Society for Language Studies.
Tomizawa, S., Matsumoto, K., & Endo, M. (2013). Effective Chinese and Japanese Character Instruction Using Etymological CALL Approach. 2013 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language (CSCTFL) Report.
【Journal articles】
Hirotani, M., Matsumoto, K., & Fukada, A. (2021). Comparative study of poses and repair phenomena during oral delivery: Learners with different proficiency levels from native Japanese speakers. The Journal CAJLE (Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education), pp. 92-113.
Hirotani, M., Matsumoto, K., & Fukada, A. (2019). Investigation of oral dysfluency among learners of Japanese: comparisonwith native Japanese speakers. Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, pp.88-97.
Hirotani, M., Matsumoto, K., & Fukada, A. (2018). A quantitative investigation of L2 learners’ fluency using a learner corpus and fluency analysis tools. Proceedings of The XIXth International CALL Research Conference, pp. 160-167.
Hirotani, M., Matsumoto, K., & Fukada, A. (2017). The validity of general L2 proficiency tests as oral proficiency measures: a Japanese learner corpus-based study. Japanese Language and Literature, 51, 2. pp. 243-270
Matsumoto, K. (2013). L1 Effect and L2 Experience on L2 Kanji Recognition. The Modern Language Journal, 97, 161-177.