Marie-Line Brunet
Marie-Line Brunet
Associate Professor of French


Room:NQ 184

Department: Modern Languages and Classics

Marie-Line Brunet received her Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington specializing in French and Francophone Studies with a focus on 20th and 21st century Literature & Cinema in 2013. She also holds a MA in French and Francophone Studies from Indiana University-Bloomington, as well as a Maîtrise in English from the Université Paris X Nanterre. Her research focuses primarily on the interplay between cinema and literature, comparative arts, migration, Renoir studies, and pedagogy. She disseminates her findings in prestigious publication venues in North America, Europe, and Africa. 

Dr. Brunet has taught French in England and in the United States and she enjoys teaching all levels. Recent courses include the complete language sequence (FR 101-FR 202), as well as upper-division courses (such as Composition, Francophone Island Hopping, Introduction to French Cinema, and French for the Professions). In 2021, she received the French for Specific Purposes Teaching Diploma (Diplôme de Didactique du Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques - DDIFOS) from the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). 



Degroult, Nathalie, Bissière, Michèle & Brunet, Marie-Line. “Bilan cinématographie 2019-2020: L’année Misérables.” The French Review 94.3 (March 2021): 119-138. 

Degroult, Nathalie, Bissière, Michèle & Brunet, Marie-Line. “Dossier pédagogique: Hors Normes.” The French Review 94.3 (March 2021): 1-36.,%20Bissiere,%20Brunet.pdf

Degroult, Nathalie & Brunet, Marie-Line. “Bilan cinématographie 2018-2019: tous à l’eau.” The French Review 93.3 (March 2020): 13-31. 

Degroult, Nathalie, Brunet, Marie-Line. “Dossier pédagogique: Edmond.” The French Review 93.3 Online (March 2020): 1-35.

“Pour ne plus être à la marge: intégration, inclusion, insertion dans Tombé dans l’oreille d’un sourd de Grégory Mahieux et Audrey Levitré.” Nouvelles études francophones, vol. 34, no.1, 2019: 97-107.

Degroult, Nathalie, Brunet, Marie-Line. “Bilan cinématographique 2017-2018: portraits glanés, paysages composés.” The French Review 92.3 (March 2019): 13-30. 

Degroult, Nathalie, Brunet, Marie-Line. “Dossier pédagogique: Pieds nus dans l'aube.” The French Review 92.3 Online (March 2019): 1-32.’aube%20-%20Degroult%20et%20Brunet.pdf

Brunet, Marie-Line. “La fenêtre comme analogon écranique renoirien.” Dedans : approches pluridsciplinaires de la fenêtre. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (September 2019): 351-364. 

Brunet, Marie-Line. “La Double Vague des migrants.” In Between: Cultures and Languages in Translation (Selected proceedings of the 23rd Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages, Literature, and Film). Brown Walker Press, 2019: 47-56.

Brunet, Marie-Line. “Pour une poétique de Calixthe Beyala: du mot et de la cuisine.” Special Issue #5 of Mosaïques (June 2018): 1-8. 

Brunet, Marie-Line, Bissière, Michèle. “Bilan cinématographique 2015-2016: diversité et audace.” The French Review 90.4 (May 2017): 101-118. 

Brunet, Marie-Line, Bissière, Michèle. “Dossier pédagogique: Marguerite.” The French Review 90.4 Online (May 2017): 1-26.

Book reviews:
Affaires globales: S’engager dans la vie professionnelle en français, niveau avancé.” Deborah S. Reisinger, Mary Beth Raycraft, and Nathalie Dieu-Porter. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Volume 72, Number 2 (Spring 2021): 132-134.

“Brey, Iris. Le regard féminin au cinéma - Une révolution à l'écran.” Women in French Studies, Volume 28 (2020): 140-141. 

“Double Vague. Le nouveau souffle du cinéma français, par Claire Diao.” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Volume 72, Number 2 (Fall 2018): 319-320.



Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Advanced French 2 302 1 0930 - 1045 T R AT, room 201
Capstone in Modern L 401 1 1230 - 1345 T R NQ, room 291