Michael S. Begnal teaches multi-genre creative writing, poetry writing, first-year composition, and research writing. His published work includes the book The Music and Noise of the Stooges, 1967-71: Lost in the Future (Routledge, 2022), the poetry collections Future Blues (Salmon Poetry, 2012) and Ancestor Worship (Salmon Poetry, 2007), three chapbooks, academic journal articles, as well as individual poems and essays published in literary journals and anthologies.
Professional Experience
Assistant Teaching Professor of English
2015 - Present
Curriculum Vitae
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M.F.A., English, Creative Writing
North Carolina State University
B.A., English Literature
Pennsylvania State University
Research and Publications
- The Music and Noise of the Stooges, 1967-71: Lost in the Future. Routledge, 2022.
- “American Punk and the Rhetoric of ‘Political Correctness.’” Popular Music and Society, vol. 46, no. 2, May 2023, pp. 172-90.
- “‘Torn by the Rocks Like the Drowned Girls’: Dark Ecology in the Early Poetry of Peggy Pond Church.” Arizona Quarterly, vol. 78, no. 4, Winter 2022.
- “Poetry and the War(s).” American Literary History, vol. 31, no. 3, Fall 2019.
- “‘Bullets for Hands’: Witter Bynner, Arthur Davison Ficke, and the Spectra Poems of World War I.” Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 64, no. 2, June 2018.
- “Modernist Mythologies: The Turquoise Trail Anthology and the Poets of Santa Fe.” Western American Literature, vol. 53, no. 3, Summer 2018.
- “River Dolphins.” Thinking Continental: Writing the Planet One Place at a Time, edited by Tom Lynch et al., U of Nebraska P, 2017, pp. 248-49.
- “Haniel Long’s Pittsburgh Memoranda: Documentary Form and 1930s Political Poetry.” College Literature, vol. 42, no. 1, Winter 2015, pp. 139-66.
- “‘To Be an Irishman Too’: Jack Kerouac’s Irish Connection.” Studies, vol. 92, no. 386, Winter 2003, pp. 371-77.