Mary Annette Rose
Mary Annette Rose
Associate Professor
Curriculum Vitae


Room:AT 154

About Mary Annette Rose

Annette has served Ball State University for over 18 years supporting the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers by delivering graduate courses within the MA in Technology Education and MA in Career and Technical Education programs, as well as undergraduate courses in the Teaching Major in Technology and Engineering Education. She serves as advisor to the Minor in Sustainability and has mentored five immersive learning projects that resulted in the development of:

2014 Sustainability Report for Ball State University (PDF)

2015 Sustainability Report for Ball State University (PDF)

International Airport and Solar Farm website (PDF)

In addition to sustainability education, a prevailing theme in Annette’s teaching, service, and scholarly work has been integrative STEM—the application of design-based, inquiry-based, collaborative approaches that intentionally foster interdisciplinary understandings common to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. She has developed, implemented, and assessed integrative learning activities with mathematics and science educators (Rose, 2007; Rose, Ribblett, & Hershberger, 2010), as well as implemented and assessed an online professional development project for practicing teachers that integrated science, technology, and social studies content (Rose, 2012 & 2011). Among her research endeavors are studies on mathematics integration (Flowers & Rose, 2014) and integration of engineering and technology experiences for elementary educators (Rose, Carter, Brown, & Shumway, 2017). She has contributed to interdisciplinary professional development workshops and conferences, including the National Science Teachers Association (2012), American Society for Engineering Education (2008), National Energy Education Summit (2015), and International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (2002 – 2017).

Locally, Annette supports energy and sustainability education through her service on the board of Living Lightly Fair and Robert Cooper Audubon Society.

Professional Experience

August 2017 – Present: Associate Professor, Family, Consumer, and Technology Education, Ball State University

August 2009 – August 2017: Associate Professor, Department of Technology, Ball State University

August 2002- August 2009: Assistant Professor, Department of Industry & Technology, Ball State University

August 2001-May 2002: Associate Instructor, Department of Industry & Technology, Ball State University

August 1999-May 2000: Associate Instructor, School of Education, Indiana University

Feb 1993-June 1996: Technology Teacher, Norview High School, Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, VA.

August 1989-June 1992: Research Associate-Outreach Specialist, Appalachian Export Center for Hardwoods, West Virginia University.

August 1988-June 1989: Research Technologist. Wood Science Department, West Virginia University.

August 1983-June 1988: Technology Teacher, Laurel Middle School, Laurel School District, Laurel, DE.


Ed. D. in Instructional Systems Technology, Minor: Educational Psychology, Indiana University. (2002).

M.S. in Education, Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University. (2001).

M.A. in Secondary Education, Technology Education, West Virginia University. (1983).

B.S. in Education, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma. (1980).

Research and Publications

  • Rose, M. A., Carter, V., Brown, J., & Shumway, S. (2017). Status of elementary teacher development: Preparing elementary teachers for technology and engineering experiences. Journal of Technology Education, 28(2), 2-18.
  • Rose, M. A., Shumway, S. L., Carter, V. R., & Brown, J. (2015). Identifying characteristics of technology and engineering teachers striving for excellence using a Modified Delphi. Journal of Technology Education, 26(2), 2-21.
  • Gosman, D., & Rose, M.A. (2015). A look inside: MRI shows the details. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 74(7), 8-11.
  • Rose, M. A., Gosman, D., & Shoemaker, K. (2014). Mobile learning: Geocaching to learn about energy systems. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 74(1), 18-23.
  • Flowers, J. C., & Rose, M. A. (2014). Mathematics in technology & engineering education: Judgments of grade-level appropriateness. Journal of Technology Education, 25(2), 18-34.
  • Rose, M. A. (2013). EnviroTech: Student outcomes of an interdisciplinary project that linked technology and environment. Journal of Technology Studies, 38(2), 80-89.
  • Rose, M.A. & Hunt. B.* (2012). Learning from engineering failures: A case study of the Deepwater Horizon. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 71(5), 5-11.
  • Rose, M. A. (2011). EnviroTech: Enhancing environmental literacy and technology assessment skills. Journal of Technology Education, 22(1), 43-57.
  • Rose, M. A., Ribblett, J. W., & Hershberger*, H. (2010). Leveraging the experimental method to inform solar cell design. Journal of STEM Education, 11(5), 56-63.
  • Rose, M.A. (2009). The environmental impacts of offshore oil drilling. The Technology Teacher, 68(5). 27-32.
  • Krupczak, J., Simpson, T., Bertsch, V., Disney, K., Garmire, E., Oakley, B. & Rose, M. A., (2008). A framework for developing courses on engineering and technology for non-engineers. Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education.
  • Rose, M.A. & Flowers, J.C. (2008). Technology assessment: A graduate course to build decision-making skills. Proceedings of the 2008 Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education. Available from
  • Rose, M. A. (2007). Perceptions of technological literacy among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics leaders. Journal of Technology Education, 19(1), 35-52.
  • Rose, M. A. (2007). Work measurements: Interdisciplinary overlap in manufacturing and algebra I. The Technology Teacher, 66(7), 6-11.
  • Rose, M.A. (2006). Emergency preparedness: Balancing electrical supply and demand. The Technology Teacher, 65(8), 6-9.
  • Rose, M.A. (2006). Signals, transducers, and modulation: A wireless design challenge. The Technology Teacher, 65(6), 21-24.
  • Ali, N.S., Hodson-Carlton, K., Ryan, M., Flowers, J., Rose, M.A., & Wayda, V. (2005). Online education: Needs assessment for faculty development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 36(1), 32-38.
  • Rose, M.A. (2004). Comparing productive online dialogue in two group styles: Cooperative and collaborative. The American Journal of Distance Education, 18(2), 73-88.
  • Flowers, J., & Rose, M. A. (1998). Mirror, mirror, on the wall. The Technology Teacher, 57(5), 32-34.


  • 2016 Vivian Z. Conley Award for Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Education. Coalition of Women’s Organizations, Muncie, Indiana.
  • 2016 Silvius-Wolansky Outstanding Publication Award for Identifying Characteristics of Technology and Engineering Teachers Striving for Excellence Using a Modified Delphi. Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education. Washington DC.
  • 2012 Paul T. Hiser Exemplary Publication Award. Granted by Epsilon Pi Tau for Rose, M.A. (2012). EnviroTech: Student outcomes of an interdisciplinary project that linked technology and environment. Journal of Technology Studies, 38(2), 80-89.
  • 2011 Outstanding Research Award for EnviroTech: Enhancing Environmental Literacy and Assessment Skills (Rose, 2010), Council on Technology Teacher Education, Long Beach, CA.
  • 2009 Rawlings Outstanding Distance Education Teaching Award. School of Extended Education, Ball State University.
  • 2008 Green Initiatives Award. For service to Living Lightly: A Resource Fair for Sustainable Lifestyles in East Central Indiana. Presented by the Council on the Environment, Ball State University.
  • 2005 Wedemeyer Award for Outstanding Scholar in Distance Education. Presented by the American Journal of Distance Education and the 21st Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning at a Distance.
  • 1996 Interdisciplinary Project: Statistical Process Control, Rufus W. Beamer Excellence Award, Norfolk Public Schools, Norfolk, VA.
  • 1995-1996 Outstanding Teacher, Tandy Technology Scholars, Norview High School, Norfolk, VA.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
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