Kristie Speirs Neumeister
Kristie Speirs Neumeister
Professor of Psychology Educational Psychology
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 535

Department: Department of Educational Psychology

About Kristie Speirs Neumeister

Kristie Speirs Neumeister, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology where she directs the gifted licensure program and teaches graduate courses in educational psychology relating to gifted education. Throughout her career she has focused her research on aspects of perfectionism and how perfectionism influences the achievement of academically gifted students. Dr. Speirs Neumeister was the recipient of the National Association for Gifted Children's Gifted Child Quarterly Paper of the Year and Early Scholar Awards. She is also the co-author of Perfectionism in School: When Achievement is not so Perfect; An Introduction to Gifted Education: The Complete Kit for Facilitators, Coordinators, and In-Service Training Professionals and Gifted Program Evaluation: A Handbook for Administrators and Coordinators.

Professional Experience

  • Professor of Psychology (2014 - present; Associate Professor 2008-2014; Assistant Professor 2002-2008). Department of Educational Psychology, Ball State University
  • Director, Gifted and Talented Licensure Program (2008 - present).


Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, 2002

University of Georgia

M.A. in Educational Psychology, 2000

University of Georgia

B.A. in Psychology, 1998

Coe College

B.A. in English, 1998

Coe College

Research and Publications

Sample Publications (see Vita for comprehensive list)

  • Fletcher, K. & Speirs Neumeister, K. (2017). Perfectionism in School: When Achievement is not So Perfect. New York, NY: Momentum Press.
  • Speirs Neumeister, K. L. (2017). Perfectionism in gifted students. In. J. Stoeber (Ed.) The Psychology of Perfectionism: Theory, Research, Applications. London: Routledge Press.
  • Speirs Neumeister, K. L. (2016). Perfectionism in gifted students. In M. Neihart, S. Pfeiffer, & T. Cross (Eds.). The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Students (2nd ed). Washington, D.C.: National Association for Gifted Children.
  • Speirs Neumeister, K. L., Fletcher, K. L. & Burney, V. H. (2015). Perfectionism and achievement motivation in high ability students: An examination of the 2 x 2 model of perfectionism. Journal of the Education of the Gifted, 38, 215-232. 

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Dissertatio 799 KN1 0000 - 0000
Creative Thinking 611 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Identif and Evaluati 621 820 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Social Emotional Nee 623 810 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE